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Natalie Tischler

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The Alchemical Creative Process

The Alchemical Creative Process

Turn your ideas in to progress and impact using the four elemental steps of creativity
Natalie Tischler
Natalie Tischler
Writer & dancer
Mystical Movement

Read this book if you want to feel powerful, limitless, free, connected, and loved.This book was written for you if you desire self expression without a critical voice, if you hope to become more creative and innovative, if you’d like to feel connected to your purpose, if you never want to feel like you’re efforting yet nothing is left undone, and if you want to enjoy making an impact.This book was written to help you express yourself authentically and optimize your days to allow for creation that is not only productive but innovative, fills you with joy, and leads you deeper into your purpose.Creativity is your choice. You have free will and creative power within you. Creativity is something we do everyday whether we are aware of it or not. It's the way our minds process information and work through problems.Creativity isn’t reserved for artists. If you're a business owner, you're a creative. If you’re a mom, you’re a creative. If you’re an engineer, you’re a creative. If you’re a human, you’re a creative. You create things all the time: emails, services, meals, games, solutions, outfits, schedules, strategies, launches, etc. We create things to solve problems, yet there is a problem with how we go about creating. We focus too much on the grind and our goals and not enough on the person we are becoming throughout the process. I created The Alchemical Creative Process because I saw too many people letting their creative gifts go to waste because of their inner critic, doubt, and fear.I’ve taken my years as an artist and creativity coach and distilled everything I’ve learned down into four steps that I explain with memories, quotes, and anecdotes. Each step in the process is very simple. Earning respect from the alchemical element that rules that step...not so simple.The more respect you earn from the element, the more authority you have over the step that element rules and the more successfully you execute that step.Exploring these steps is being an alchemist.That’s why creativity is a practice, a process of practices. Trust the process. Do the practices.If you do, I guarantee you’ll experience creative freedom and make progress as you impact the world and become who you were born to be.

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