
Jasper vs. Copy.ai: Which is Right For You? [2024]

Only one tool has the features and uses cases enterprise marketing teams need. Let's explore.

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Jasper is the AI built for business

Jasper integrates directly into your platform, whether you have a custom CMS or content platform of any type.

AI in your brand voice, not generic

Jasper is trained on your brand’s tone, style, and key facts about your business, so you can create on-brand content as scale.

Up-to-date, accurate information

You need content to be fresh and accurate, but other platforms use models trained on old data. Jasper's AI engine pulls up-to-date information and data straight from Google.

Guaranteed 99.99% uptime

Platforms can’t afford for their features to go down when their API provider goes down. Jasper has 99.99% uptime by using a proprietary AI engine, increasing performance and reliability.

Jasper vs. Copy.ai

Copy.ai shares many similarities with Jasper. We both have content creation features geared toward marketers. Each platform also has SOC 2 Type II compliance, real-time web scraping, an API, and the ability to organize work within project folders. 

However, the differences between Copy.ai and Jasper become clear when you look at use cases and functionality for enterprise marketing teams. For example, only Jasper has content analytics and AI insights, image generation via Jasper Art, an SEO research tool, and other features that large marketing teams can greatly benefit from. Features like these elevate Jasper from being a marketing content creation tool to a marketing copilot capable of helping stakeholders across a multidisciplinary enterprise team work faster and more efficiently.  

We outlined some of the biggest differences between Jasper and Copy.ai below so you can decide which platform is best for you.

What is Copy.ai?

Copy.ai is a generative AI content creation tool with marketing and sales use cases. Like Jasper, Copy.ai is interoperable and powers its outputs with a variety of advanced AI models from OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, and others. Copy.ai also incorporates web scraping functionality to gather and integrate information from the web.

Jasper versus Copy.ai: 7 key differences

1. There are no usage limits with Jasper

Copy.ai operates on a credit-based system: a quantifiable measure of content generation or feature access with a monthly limit. It has unlimited words in its chat feature but offers limited generations through the Workflow functionality. Jasper has no limits on the amount of content an enterprise team can create or the features it can use. This means that the creative flow within an enterprise's marketing team can proceed uninterrupted and unhampered by the concern of depleting monthly credits. 

Jasper's policy of not imposing credit limits is not just a feature; it's a commitment to ensuring that content teams can operate with the utmost efficiency and creativity. We do impose a limit when we suspect abuse of the platform (like using it to farm spam content), but that's only to protect against the most egregious cases. So your team is free to create and use every feature without fear of hitting a "content creation ceiling" of any kind.

2. Content analytics

One of Jasper’s hallmarks for enterprises is its ability to incorporate analytics directly into the user's dashboard, facilitating quick performance assessment of their content. This enables marketers to make data-driven decisions quickly and execute adjustments immediately. Jasper doesn't stop at just presenting the data; it offers actionable insights that demonstrate how your content is performing and provides strategies for optimization.

For instance, if a piece of content performs exceptionally well, Jasper will highlight it and suggest replicating its success in future content pieces. On the other hand, if a piece of content doesn't meet expectations, Jasper can identify some potential reasons and offer steps to course-correct. By seamlessly integrating analytics and insights into the content creation process, Jasper ensures the marketing team's efforts are always optimally targeted and continually improved upon, with each action based on real performance data.

When compared to Copy.ai, Jasper's analytics offer a more significant value proposition for enterprise marketers. Although Copy.ai may help marketers create content, Jasper transcends that to also equip marketers with actionable insights, performance metrics, and optimization recommendations. This empowers marketers to continue refining their strategies and achieving better, data-driven outcomes.

3. Image generation and editing

Copy.ai allows users to auto-generate image captions and use the platform to sift through stock photos with more precision. However, a large marketing team may need customized visuals for a multi-channel marketing campaign. 

Jasper Art is our text-to-image generation service that allows marketers to create all the custom imagery they need without limits, without watermarks, and without the need to secure photo licenses. This feature can provide teams with a strategic advantage by enabling rapid production of tailored visual content that saves time and resources.

Jasper's recent acquisition of ClipDrop — a Paris-based image creation and editing service used by millions of creative designers and brands worldwide — also offers significant benefits to enterprise marketing teams. Clipdrop's technology lets users edit existing images and develop a wide array of variations in size, detail, and style. This acquisition enhances Jasper's ability to provide a comprehensive, multimodal marketing copilot, significantly bolstering its capabilities in visual content creation and optimization in a way that Copy.ai cannot.

A screenshot of Jasper Art. The user is prompting the tool to show a photoreaslistic painting of a beach at sunset, with the tool showing multiple options.

4. Dedicated style guide feature with x-ray view

Maintaining tonal and editorial consistency across a large, geographically dispersed team is paramount for enterprise marketing organizations. 

Both Copy.ai and Jasper have Brand Voice features that allow for such consistency across content. However, Jasper's Style Guide is an evolution of those features designed to enable even greater uniformity — an offering Copy.ai does not have. 

Brand voice features ensure the tone of your outputs stays consistent based on the voice selected when building content. However, that chosen voice may not know some of the finer editorial details of your brand like using AP style, using the Oxford comma, or that you write “co-pilot” as “copilot” (as we do). Jasper’s Style Guide hub allows you to set custom editorial rules like those and Jasper will follow them no matter what brand voice you have turned on. This will reduce the amount of post-output editing necessary before you get content out the door. 

Let’s say you’re writing custom content inside Jasper’s document editor. With one click of the Style Guide button in the upper right corner, you get an x-ray view of your content and the places in the draft that deviate from your Style Guide rules. From there you can push updates through wholesale or one at a time. 

The Style Guide and x-ray features can save content marketers ample time in editing, even taking some of the minutiae of editing off their hands altogether. Time saved in editing means more energy dedicated to creating the most engaging content, and Copy.ai’s brand voice may not allow for such advanced time savings. 

5. In-platform SEO help

Copy.ai offers tools like an SEO title generator and a meta-description generator to assist users. However, the platform currently lacks features for examining page rankings or conducting keyword research. This is where Jasper stands out.

Jasper is integrated with SurferSEO, a reputable SEO platform that offers valuable recommendations on optimizing content for search engines. It evaluates various elements like keyword usage, content structure, and backlinks, providing practical suggestions to enhance search engine rankings. All of this functionality is available directly within the Jasper platform.

The SurferSEO integration aids in understanding trending keywords and topics in your industry, aligning content with search intent to drive organic traffic. It identifies areas for improvement like keyword density, meta tags, and content structure, enhancing the visibility and relevance of web pages. Ultimately, this leads to improved search rankings and increased organic traffic. Additionally, the integration provides analytics and insights on content performance in search, enabling users to identify optimization opportunities.

Furthermore, all these SEO capabilities are seamlessly accessible within Jasper, eliminating the need to switch between platforms or windows as might be required with Copy.ai.

A screenshot of Jasper's SEO mode in action showing the SEO strength of the article in question.

6. Jasper Solutions Partner Program

Our Solutions Partner Program stands as a critical resource for enterprise marketing teams seeking a customized AI implementation, optimization of Jasper, and holistic brand strategy development as Jasper customers. Copy.ai provides its enterprise clientele with initial onboarding, a dedicated account, and support for implementation. Yet, the partner program offers a more comprehensive solution for enterprise teams with limited time.

It takes a lot of time and dedication to unite a sizable team around the practical applications of AI in business. Equal time can be spent identifying the integral role of Jasper within a large marketing department (and beyond). A partnership with a seasoned Jasper partner can streamline this planning process, provide valuable resources, offer training, and conserve time. Partners are equipped to conduct bespoke workshops designed to meet your team's unique requirements and facilitate Jasper's integration into the organization.

Should your company’s brand style guide need updating, a Jasper partner is well-positioned to assist. They will audit your content, perform market research, and refine the language used in your Jasper Brand Voices and Knowledge Base. The outcome is a refreshed set of guidelines with relevant tones that resonate with your target audience and mirror your brand identity more effectively, enhancing audience engagement. Such comprehensive support from a partner can elevate engagement rates and optimize the utilization of Jasper.

Additionally, partners provide customized solutions encompassing AI transition management, technical execution, and oversight of marketing services via Jasper.

The requirement for partners delivering these services through Jasper includes completing the platform’s product learning paths and attaining Jasper Product Certification. Partners must also undergo Jasper AI Solutions Partner Training, issue an AI Acceptable Use Policy on their web presence, and achieve Jasper AI Solutions Partner Certification. All this ensures that partners are knowledgeable Jasper experts, ready to meet a wide range of needs.

In essence, Jasper's Solutions Partner Program represents an advancement beyond the services offered to Copy.ai users. The program is designed to enhance the way our enterprise clients leverage and develop their AI-driven operations, enabling them to work more rapidly and efficiently without the need for extensive technical knowledge or the creation of elaborate training initiatives on their own.

7. Browser extension

Jasper's Browser Extension is an on-the-go copilot, enabling you to write better and more effectively, no matter where you are online. Whether you're working on social channels, sending emails, or developing content on various platforms, the extension is there to assist. Copy.ai lacks this feature. 

One of the key benefits of Jasper's Browser Extension is its ability to tap into your Brand Voices, style guide, and company knowledge. This means that every piece of content you create aligns with your branding and messaging strategies, even as you draft a new LinkedIn post, for example. It's like having your marketing playbook at your fingertips wherever you work.

Our competitors might think functionality like this is only useful for responding to holiday emails. That’s fair. We see it as a tool that speeds up the workflow of an individual marketer in a way that makes sense for them, even if it is just responding to innocent emails — but we’ve seen it do a lot more than that. Giving additional time back to marketers so they can focus more on strategy and producing elevated content is a win for us no matter what feature they use to secure that time.

Logos of Jasper integrations with other products Hubspot, Shopify, Facebook, Google, and more
Logos of Jasper integrations with other products Hubspot, Shopify, Facebook, Google, and more
Logos of Jasper integrations with other products Hubspot, Shopify, Facebook, Google, and more
Logos of Jasper integrations with other products Hubspot, Shopify, Facebook, Google, and more

Get the Jasper Browser Extension today to bring AI wherever you work

Easily bring AI in your workflow to improve & create content, wherever you are. Also available on Edge.


100,000+ happy customers

Don't just take our word for it — hear how our community is transforming their businesses with Jasper.
Jordan M.
Sr. Vice President

One of the most helpful things about Jasper as an AI writing software is its ability to provide personalized feedback. It can detect subtle changes in tone and grammar, giving users the ability to quickly make necessary edits and improve their writing quality. Jasper also has a built-in dictionary that allows users to look up words they may be unfamiliar with while writing.

Richard D.
Business Owner

I like it, I love it!. I would say apart from our CAD System it is the absolute best new computer tool I have used in 40 years on computers. It is fast, efficient and packs a punch. It gives us the ability to quickly get what we need from customer data, even when it has been scattered across different systems in an organization. I have rarely seen such a powerful tool that can be used so intuitively by anyone with no prior experience in data integration.

Saran T. B.
Quality Assurance Compliance Manager

One of the most helpful things about Jasper as an AI writing software is its ability to provide personalized feedback. It can detect subtle changes in tone and grammar, giving users the ability to quickly make necessary edits and improve their writing quality. Jasper also has a built-in dictionary that allows users to look up words they may be unfamiliar with while writing.

Brittani C.
Creative Director

I love that Jasper can help me rewrite our YouTube script as a blog post, create a social caption tailored for each platform, write the YouTube copy and the newsletter copy to finish it out. Jasper's AI does a great job of learning from your corrections and inputs. I can save a description for each faucet of our marketing and use it to reproduce what I've written in a format that's tailored for every outlet. It's saved me hours of headache and time.

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Answers to
Jasper vs. Copy.ai FAQs
How is Jasper AI different from Copy.ai?
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1. Jasper's AI engine gives users access to more LLMs, including GPT-4, Anthropic, PaLM2, and more, ensuring you always get the best model you need for any given task.

2. Jasper offers the ability to analyze your brand's voice by uploading a PDF, campaign brief, company docs, or by submitting a URL. Copy.ai currently only allows PDF upload as well as the ability to copy & paste brand information directly into their tool.

3. Jasper currently offers more content organization and collaboration tools including project folders, campaign folders, document sharing, and project status updates, with more features coming REALLY soon. Copy.ai currently does allow content and project organization via project folders, but lacks campaign-specific folders, doc sharing, and project status updates.

Is Jasper accurate?
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Jasper AI uses a proprietary AI model that ensures high quality and accurate content. However, like with any AI writing tool, it is important to revise the content to ensure it fits the user’s needs.

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