Tackle any use case with Jasper's 50+ AI Templates

Jasper is trained on industry best practices and proven examples to generate high-quality copy for over 50 different use-cases.

Templates for anything you can imagine

Generate and save unique templates based on your specific needs with Jasper's dynamic templates

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AIDA Framework

Use the oldest marketing framework in the world. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

Content improver

Take a piece of content and rewrite it to make it more interesting, creative, and engaging.

Text Summarizer

Get the key points from a piece of text.

Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) Framework

A valuable framework for creating new marketing copy ideas.

Paragraph Generator

Create paragraphs that will captivate your readers.

Product description

Create compelling product descriptions to be used on websites, emails and social media.

Creative Story

Write deliciously creative stories to engage your readers.

Blog Post Topic Ideas

Brainstorm new blog post topics that will engage readers and rank well on Google.

Blog Post Outline

Create lists and outlines for articles. Works best for "Listicle" and "How to" style blog posts or articles.

Blog Post Intro Paragraph

Blast through writers block by letting us write your opening paragraph for you.

Feature to Benefit

Turn your product features into benefits that compel action.

Sentence Expander

Expand a short sentence or a few words into a longer sentence that is creative, interesting, and engaging.

Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph

Wrap up your blog posts with an engaging conclusion paragraph.

Facebook Ad Headline

Generate scroll-stopping headlines for your Facebook Ads to get prospects to click, and ultimately buy.

Personal Bio

Write a creative personal bio that captures attention.

Facebook Ad Primary Text

Create high converting copy for the "Primary Text" section of your Facebook ads.

Company Bio

Tell your company's story with a captivating bio.

Google Ads Headline

Create high converting copy for the "Headlines" section of your Google Ads.

Google Ads Description

Create high converting copy for the "Description" section of your Google Ads.

SEO - Title and Meta Descriptions

Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions that will rank well on Google.

Amazon Product Features (bullets)

Create key feature and benefit bullet points for Amazon listings under the "about this item" section.

Real Estate Listing - Residential

Creative captivating real estate listings that sell homes quickly.

Amazon Product Description (paragraph)

Create compelling product descriptions for Amazon listings. The output is typically paragraph form, but the style will vary.

Perfect Headline

Trained with formulas from the world's best copywriters, this template is sure to create high-converting headlines for your business.

Engaging Questions

Ask your audience creative questions to increase engagement.

Website Sub-Headline

Create delightfully informative sub-headlines (H2) for your websites and landing pages.

Quora Answers

Intelligent answers for tough questions.

Photo Post Captions

Write catchy captions for your Instagram posts

Short Social Posts

Generate short social posts under 140 characters.

Ridiculous Marketing Ideas

A funny template that generates bad marketing ideas. Like throwing a metal ball at a car window.

Marketing Angles

Brainstorm different angles to add vibrancy to your marketing.

Persuasive bullet points

Generate persuasive bullet points to insert into landing pages, emails, and more.

Video Topic Ideas

Brainstorm new video topics that will engage viewers and rank well on YouTube.

Email Subject Lines

Write compelling email subject lines that get readers to open.

Video Script Outline

Create script outlines for your videos. Works best for "Listicle" and "How to" style videos.

Video Titles

Create engaging, click-worthy titles for your videos that will rank on Youtube.

Video Script Hook and Introduction

Create a video intro that will capture your viewers attention and compel them to watch all the way through.

Video Description

Create unique descriptions for Youtube videos that rank well in search.

Explain It To A Child

Rephrase text to a lower grade level make it more simple to understand and easier to read.

Review Responder

Write responses to public customer reviews that are winsome, professional, and delightful.

SEO - Blog Posts - Title and Meta Descriptions

Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions for blog posts that will rank well on Google.

SEO - Homepage - Title and Meta Descriptions

Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions for homepages that will rank well on Google.

SEO - Product Page - Title and Meta Descriptions

Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions that will rank well on Google for product pages.

SEO - Services Pages - Title and Meta Descriptions

Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions that will rank well on Google for company services pages.

Unique Value Propositions

Create a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer in a powerful way.
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