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New AI settings page with workspace default voice selector

Admins can now set a workspace default brand voice in a new, easy-to-find page.
Feature Improvement
Nov 30, 2023
All updates

New AI settings page with workspace default voice selector

New AI settings page with workspace default voice selector

Admins can now set a workspace default brand voice in a new, easy-to-find page.


Where should Admins go to select options or defaults that affect all content generation? This becomes especially important as new AI configurability features launch in the future. Previously, any user could change the workspace default brand voice via the “Create voice” modal, affecting all user generations


The Default Voice experience has also been moved to Settings > Workspace >AI settings to better represent the impact its changing has on the workspace.


  • AI settings will affect how the platform generates content for all users
  • As more customization is made available users will navigate to AI settings to set their desired Jasper AI Copilot behavior
  • All users can see the selected default voice, only Admins can change the setting
Plans affected: All


Where should Admins go to select options or defaults that affect all content generation? This becomes especially important as new AI configurability features launch in the future. Previously, any user could change the workspace default brand voice via the “Create voice” modal, affecting all user generations


The Default Voice experience has also been moved to Settings > Workspace >AI settings to better represent the impact its changing has on the workspace.


  • AI settings will affect how the platform generates content for all users
  • As more customization is made available users will navigate to AI settings to set their desired Jasper AI Copilot behavior
  • All users can see the selected default voice, only Admins can change the setting

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