
9 Actionable Tips + Examples for Writing Copy for Websites

Writing copy for websites in a way that is clear and effective can be tough. See how using a framework makes it faster and easier.

Published on Jun 04, 2024

As a content marketer, you know that writing copy for websites is a weighty responsibility. Your website copy is often your readers’ first impression of your product or service. Whether it’s your landing page, sales page, or about us page, engaging web copy plays a major role in persuading website visitors to convert to customers.

In this article, we’ll share a foolproof framework for writing web copy as well as nine actionable tips for writing good website copy.

How to write compelling website copy (step by step)

1. Set the page goal

The first step to hitting it off with your website copy is knowing the goal of each of your website pages. 

For example, your About Us page should share your brand story and build a rapport with potential customers. However, for your product page or landing pages, the goal is likely different. So for the latter pages, you would have less of a storytelling narrative and more of a user benefit or data proof approach. 

Before you start brainstorming website copy, think about what you want each particular page copy to accomplish. Then make sure that every word you write is working toward that goal.

2. Design a buyer persona

Doing extensive market research will help you design a buyer persona. This is a profile of your ideal customer detailing their interests, preferences, location, and other pertinent information to help you better understand them. 

You can also learn about your audience by running surveys, seeing what they discuss on social media, and following industry trends.

Knowing your audience helps you write website copy that connects with them. When you know your audience, you can write in the language they use and speak directly to their challenges taking their circumstances into account. 

3. Use the PAS formula

The Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) formula works to draw out customers by pointing out a problem customers are struggling with. You then highlight how painful and frustrating said problem is by agitating. And then, you provide the readers with your solution, clearly outlining how it solves the problem with minimal effort. Here’s an example:

  1. Problem: Running a successful freelancing business is hard work, without having to deal with annoying admin tasks. 
  2. Agitate: Completing assignments on deadline, meeting with clients, promoting your business, and sorting through finances. And you still have to check email, schedule meetings, and keep track of your appointments?
  3. Solution: [Business] offers you fully trained virtual assistants for any kind of business at every budget. Now you can outsource all those non-billable tasks and actually focus on growing your business

This formula gets right to the heart of your target audience, especially when you use their language and speak to their specific concern.

4. Use the AIDA framework

Alternatively, you could use the Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) framework to write your website copy instead of the PAS formula. This approach breaks down the content into four key elements:

  1. Attention: Grab the reader's attention with a bold headline or compelling statement that addresses their pain point.
  2. Interest: Explain how your solution can solve their problem and capture their interest. Use persuasive language and provide specific details to pique their curiosity.
  3. Desire: Create desire by demonstrating the benefits of using your product or service. Show them how it can make their life easier, save them time/money, or improve their business.
  4. Action: Finally, include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages the reader to take the next step, whether it's signing up for a free trial, booking a consultation, or making a purchase.

Here's an example of how you could structure your content:

"Are you tired of constantly struggling to stay organized and on top of your tasks?

It's time to say goodbye to the chaos and hello to efficiency with our innovative task management tool.

With our solution, you can easily create, prioritize, and delegate tasks in just a few clicks. No more forgotten deadlines or miscommunications among team members. Our platform streamlines communication and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Imagine having all your tasks and deadlines neatly organized in one place, accessible from any device. You'll no longer waste precious time searching through emails or scribbled notes. Plus, our advanced features such as deadline reminders and progress tracking will help you stay on track and meet your goals

Join thousands of satisfied users who have already experienced the benefits of our task management tool.

Start your free trial today and see for yourself how it can transform your workflow and boost productivity. Say hello to a more organized, efficient, and stress-free workday.

Sign up now!”

5 examples of converting website copy worth emulating

We’ve seen the three key elements of writing website copy that converts. Now let’s see five businesses using this structure to create compelling web pages.

1. MailChimp

MailChimp website copy example

MailChimp has a clearly defined audience: small business owners. They speak directly to that audience on their homepage and highlight the solution they’re offering, which helps them “grow sales.” What else do small business owners want?

2. Canva

Canva website copy example

On their Features page, Canva uses the PAS copywriting formula and helps potential customers visualize how Canva fits into their personal lives.

3. HelloFresh

HelloFresh website copy example

HelloFresh puts their homepage to excellent use (their goal is obviously to hold their audience’s attention). That sentence “Take the stress out of mealtime” is probably the exact phrase a frazzled customer needs to hear when they need a break from meal prepping.

4. WordPress

WordPress website copy example

In a highly competitive market, WordPress uses their homepage copy to set themselves apart as “the world’s most popular website builder” — and they have the stats to back it up. They clearly know their market and how to appeal to their audience.

5. Wave Invoicing

Wave makes it clear, right off the bat, that their software is free. As an invoicing software for freelancers on a budget, they know their target audience. They’ve also designed the page to boost conversion rates by including a call-to-action to create a new account.

9 tips for writing good website copy that connects with customers

Now that you know the basic structure of effective website copy, we’ll share nine quick tips to help with writing copy for websites.

1. Lead with a powerful headline

Great headlines grab attention while sharing the brand’s purpose in simple terms. No matter the web page, craft a headline to make readers stay by keeping it short and purpose-driven. Add a brief subheading that summarizes your brand goal. Here’s an example from HelloSign’s homepage.

HelloSign website headline example

2. Harness customer reviews

Not sure how to describe what your product does for customers? Read their reviews! Customer reviews can be a treasure trove for copywriters looking to write vivid descriptive copy. Reviews are a form of social proof, which can help establish trust with potential customers.

3. Speak directly to your audience

Use first-person pronouns like “we,” “our,” and “us” when referring to your brand and “you” when referring to the user in your website copy. This creates a sense of connection and helps you speak to the customer, not at them. See how Instacart does it.

Instacart talking to their audience

4. Be specific

Writing vaguely about your product or the customer’s pain point weakens your PAS framework. Instead, write specifically about the issues your customers face and mention exactly how your product will fix this. 

On their About Us page, Ilia harnesses the power of language to show customers what their brand is about: “vibrancy, vivid washes of color, and a fuss-free philosophy.”

Ilia use of specific language in website copy

5. Keyword optimization

Your writing should appeal to humans, and also not neglect search engines. Including the right keywords when writing copy for websites can be the key to massive search engine traffic.  Research your target audience and include relevant keywords in your content.

6. Highlight user benefits

Customers like to know what’s in it for them. So, show them! Kloudio keeps their customers’ benefits front and center on their homepage.

kloudia website copy highlighting user benefits

7. Be data-driven

Don’t be afraid to show off your impact in figures. Using case studies, testimonials, sharing how many customers your business serves, or even your range of products can convince a customer to commit. DepositPhotos highlights the size of their content library to stand out.

DepositPhotos data-driven website copy

8. Optimize your CTAs

Make your CTAs useful and accessible by stating exactly where the click takes readers. For example, a CTA button that says “Start my free trial” is more effective than “I’m ready to go.” Although snazzy microcopy sounds fun, it can make your website inaccessible for visually impaired and non-tech savvy users.

9. Keep it simple

Finally, few things beat simplicity and clarity in writing copy for websites. Use clear, direct language and short sentences. Blue Apron’s homepage tells website visitors straightaway what to expect.

Blue Apron simple and effective website copy

Tools that help make writing copy for websites faster and easier

You’ve got the know-how for web copywriting down, but to help you write website copy faster and with less stress, we’ll share five game-changing tools.

1. Jasper

Jasper is an AI marketing platform trained by real-life experts. It offers over 52 writing templates including marketing framework templates like the PAS and AIDA

Jasper can help you write high-quality website copy in less time. It’s especially useful for high-volume website copywriting that demands skilled support. Here’s Jasper’s PAS template at work. We only entered the information on the left.

Jasper PAS framework for website copy

2. Keyword research tools

Use a keyword research tool to ensure that your website copy is optimized for search engines. Popular options for tackling SEO are Ahrefs and Semrush. Yoast SEO’s WordPress plugin can also evaluate your content to make sure that you’re hitting the right targets.

Keyword research tools are essential for writing website copy as they provide valuable insights into the specific words and phrases users are searching for online.

Proper keyword research can lead to higher organic traffic, better engagement, and improved overall performance of the website.

3. Readable

Because simplicity is essential to persuasive website copy, you need to be sure that your content is readable. Readable is an online readability score calculator that uses the Flesch-Kincaid scoring to determine whether your content is easy to read even for weaker readers. It also works as an effective spell-check and grammar checker.

4. Stock images

If your brand doesn’t have real images yet or prefers to use AI-generated images, look to a tool like Jasper's AI Image Suite. Depositphotos, Pixabay, Unsplash and Shutterstock are also good options for more traditional stock images.

5. Thesaurus

Finally, you’ll need an online thesaurus for when words eventually fail you. Use this tool to find synonyms and related words to make your website copy sharper and more appealing.

6. Hemingway App

Named after the famous author, Hemingway App helps improve the readability of your writing by offering suggestions based on Hemingway’s golden rules of writing. It will highlight lengthy sentences and paragraphs, suggesting you to break them up to be more easily digestible. It also gives suggestions to simplify your writing when it’s too dense and potentially confusing for readers.

But most importantly, it brings attention to your use of passive voice and gives you active voice alternatives to use in your writing.

The key to writing A+ copy for websites

Writing copy for websites can be a challenging but rewarding task. Remember that every web page should have a goal. Buyer persona research is crucial, and the PAS framework is hard to beat. But even when you understand the basic copywriting framework, you may need more help from a skilled assistant.

Jasper is an AI writer trained to assist copywriters and content marketers write better content in a shorter period. You’ll also find useful training to get the best out of Jasper for copywriting and content marketing. 

Want to spend less time second-guessing your copy? Sign up with Jasper today to get started.

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Meet The Author:

Krista Doyle

Krista Doyle

SEO at Jasper

Krista Doyle is a writer-turned-strategy-nerd based in Austin, TX. By day she manages content right here at Jasper, by night she binges Netflix, continues her mission to find the best old fashioned in Austin, TX, and writes about Taylor Swift.

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