How to Write an About Us Page (+Template and 10 Top Examples)

Connect with potential clients by learning how to write an about page that explains your values and selling point while converting visitors to buyers.

Published on Sep 27, 2021

As a content marketer, you know the power of a great About Us page. Potential customers who want to connect with a business, often need to understand its core values and learn exactly what its value proposition is. That’s what the About Us page does.

While reading a well-written About Us page is enjoyable and insightful, writing one that captures the perfect blend of personality and persuasion can be a bit trickier. We’ve studied countless effective ones and broken down how to write an About Us page that will send your conversions through the roof.

How to write a perfect About Us page

An About Us page seems self-explanatory, but there’s more to it than a company biography. It’s the first time you’ll introduce yourself to your site audience in a memorable way that reassures them of your expertise. Here are seven things to keep in mind if you want to write a perfect About Us page.

What’s your goal? 

Think of this as a “mission statement.” Your About Us page should tell the reader what you do and how it benefits your target customers. This is a good time to mention the one thing — if nothing else — that your business accomplishes for its patrons. 

Remember to express your goals in layman’s terms. There’s no point in writing a mission statement if it’s too convoluted or loaded with jargon for readers to grasp fully.

Tell them a story

Storytelling drives engagement. It sells. It’s how we as humans bond. So, on your About page, share your brand’s story — your aha! moment, why you considered starting this business, your company’s history, and even how things have changed so far. When you do, you’re letting website visitors bond with you. And when they feel closer to you and the trajectory of your business, they’re more likely to remember you and eventually invest or share your brand with others. 

Shopify’s About Us page is a good example of this. It includes a short section explaining that, because no other e-commerce solutions worked for them, the founders created their own store. Then, Shopify brings the story around to the present, mentioning how the company has grown. 

Shopify About Us Page

The secret sauce of this short company story? One: that many potential Shopify merchants can probably relate to the experience of trying and being let down by several e-commerce solutions. Two: that it builds trust since the platform's founders were also users and, therefore, deeply understand the needs of users. 

What’s in it for them?

“We know your mission and your story, but what about us?” Yep, that’s what your potential customers are thinking. You’ve likely hinted here and there what you do for clients, but now take a minute (or paragraph) to dig deeper. 

What is your selling point? Why should customers come to you instead of your competition? If you’re a clothing brand, for example, what makes your materials unique? Or if you’re a SaaS company, how does your product save time or money for customers — and how does it do it better than competing SaaS companies? Dig deep.


Knowing the power of visuals, your About Us page should never be caught without a single image, GIF, video, or something visual! Show your products, your team members, your office puppy — anything that helps customers learn more about you and your business.

Create a video explaining more about your services or showing how your products give back to your community. After all, a picture says more than a thousand words. 

Don’t forget data

Emotions are great and all, but if you’re asking people to part ways with money, many of them will need more than just fuzzy feelings as motivation. Include hard facts to back up your value proposition. Sharing the number of customers, branches, sales, or positive reviews will boost your credibility.

If you’ve been featured in the media, feel free to add clips of some praise or testimonials to your page as a slideshow or other display. Social proof is invaluable. Calendly is one company that knows how to do this. 

Calendly About Page

On its about page, you’ll see the number of worldwide users, the number of companies using Calendly, the number of partner integrations, and even mentions of some well-known companies that use the platform.

Call to action

An About Us page without a CTA is a wasted opportunity. After customers have seen your core values, followed your story, seen gushing reviews, they’re ready to do something. Alas, there’s no quick link to action. Don’t be that brand. Include as many links as reasonable on your About Us page. Some options are links to:

  • Try your product
  • Join your list of email subscribers
  • Check out other pages like an FAQ or Features page
  • See your services and pricing
  • Your social media pages
  • Read your blog
  • Contact information like an email or phone number

Put that page — and all those words — to work.

Use an AI writer like Jasper

If you’re still feeling intimidated by all the things you need to include on an About Us page, we feel you. As a content marketer working on several blogs and web pages, the demand on your mental energy is high. This last tip is for you: outsource your About Us page to an AI writer.

Our top choice — and the best in the market, if we do say so ourselves — is Jasper. Jasper has over 52 writing templates, one of which is the Company Bio template. All you need to do is input a few words about your company, as well as your desired tone of voice, and voila! Jasper will provide several bio options to get you started. 

Jasper Company Bio Template 1

You can then edit them or even combine elements you like from two or more of Jasper’s outputs. Above, we made a few small tweaks like adding a numbered list for better readability.

For a longer bio, you could continue using the Company Bio template. For example, we liked the mission portion from the first output above so we copied and pasted it into our document as a quote from one of the founders. 

Jasper Company Bio Template 2

From there, we could use the Feature to Benefit template to describe not only what your company does but also how it benefits your target customers. Or use the Creative Story template to share a personal experience. Or use the Perfect Headline template to add headings to your page content to make it more readable and clarify what each section is about at a glance. The options are endless. 

Jasper Company Bio Template 3

For instance, here we added three headings generated via the Perfect Headline template, as well as an intro paragraph inspired by the headlines and some persuasive imaginary data. Add images, calls-to-action, and links to other important pages, and this would be a short About Us page done.

Whether you’re writing long or short-form About Us content, you can do it in half the time with Jasper’s help!

3 customizable About Us page templates to try

Ready to jump into writing your own about content? We hoped you would say that because we’ve created a few fill-in-style About Us page templates that will make the process less hectic. You can always add more information, reorder the sections, or delete suggestions that don’t apply.

Mission-based template

“[A simple one-liner introduction that hopefully isn’t “About Us”]

[Image or video clip]

[Brand name] is a [type of company] focused on providing [service] to [target audience]. 

As a company, we want to change the way [the service you provide] is done in [your target market].

In [year], [founders] were dealing with [specific problem] and realized [specific market gap]. They decided to create [this product or service] to help other [target audience] struggling with the same [specific problem]. [Brand name] was formed.

[More visuals]

We believe in [your company values] and [your work culture]. Each year, we [include community outreach or any applicable projects that may appeal to your target audience].

[Brand name] is trusted by [number of clients or five-star reviews]. [Media house] called us the [relevant praise or award].

[Call to action]”

Benefits-based template

“[Brand name] is the go-to for [product, service or category name] that [main characteristic or benefit of the offer].

Not only do we [action that results in a benefit for the target audience], but we also [action that results in a benefit for the target audience]. After all, we [believe that/are committed to][your core values or mission]. 

[Social proof such as benefits-focused testimonials]

We won't stop until we’ve helped [target audience] to [goal the audience wants to achieve]. Our vision is to [the vision you’re working toward] by [target year]. And we’re well on our way to that goal with [progress metrics such as happy customers]. 

We couldn’t be happier about the opportunity to help you [main benefit target audience is seeking]. Thanks for being here with us!”

Story-based template

“In [year of origin], after [facing or noticing a problem], we started [brand name] to help [target audience] [goal audience wants to accomplish]. 

[Image or video clip]

We saw firsthand how [important/difficult] is it to [do or accomplish something] so, since [year business was founded], we’ve poured every ounce of our blood, sweat, and tears into [the solution we provide]. 

We’ve tackled [a big challenge for your audience or within your industry]. We created solutions for [a problem your audience faces] and [a problem your audience faces]. All so that [audience descriptor such as a job title] like you can [goal audience wants to accomplish]. 

As a result, [our work has been recognized by [[reputable individual or organization]]/we’ve been honored to [[a cool privilege you’ve enjoyed thanks to your work]]].

We couldn’t be prouder to offer you [feature or benefit of your product or service] and [feature or benefit of your product or service]. And we look forward to bringing you [innovative or high-quality features or benefits] for years to come!”

For even more About page templates, see what your content management system has to offer. Many website templates within WordPress, for example, include example content in About Us page designs, which you can replace with your company information. 

10 examples of creative About Us pages to learn from

Wanna see our tips in action? We’ve found 10 amazing companies in a variety of niches who are killing it with their About Us pages. From formal to sassy, these are 10 excellent About Us page examples to inspire you:

1. Clio 

Clio’s About Us page wins for the human element. The text is highly conversational, even though their service is aimed at legal professionals. They also have a picture from a real event (not stock photos!) with a caption(!).

2. Dropbox

Dropbox keeps things minimal, but we especially love their story and the CTA just below. Another CTA at the bottom of the page leads to their Jobs page.

3. Zendesk

Zendesk about us page

Skip the boring “About Us” heading for a more creative option like Zendesk does on their About Us page.

4. Freshbooks

Freshbooks about us

FreshBooks is not afraid to crunch the numbers on their About Us page — and we love all the data. It’s great for building trust.

5. Honest 

Honest About us page

People love and buy from purpose-led brands. So one of the greatest strengths of this e-commerce store’s About page is that it focuses on purpose, mission, values, and how the Honest brand walks the talk.

6. Chipotle

Chipotle About us page

Chipotle’s interactive About Us page serves up a large portion of visuals with a side of values. After reading about them, you’ll be ready for a burrito bowl.

7. Teva

Teva About Us Page

The Teva website shares its brand story to emphasize the benefit of its products in a subtle, but convincing way.

8. Glossier

Glossier About Us

If you’d rather write a straightforward About Us page with text first and visuals later, this Glossier example is one to consider. We’re also digging those hyperlinks to other pages.

9. CoSchedule 

CoSchedule About Us Page

CoSchedule’s video supports the rest of the content on their About Us page and provides more information while motivating potential clients to stay longer on the site (SEO win!).

10. Cup of Jo 

Cup of Jo About Us Page

Besides a warm personal “Meet the Team” section, lifestyle blog Cup of Jo also includes praise from well-known publications to build trust both in readers and potential business partners.

Let’s help you write an About Page like no other

Your About Us page is the content marketing equivalent of “tell me about yourself.” It’s easy to freeze and feel at a loss for words. Following our tips and using our templates can help you get started and make a good first impression. But if you want to work faster with less risk of burnout, use Jasper!

Jasper is not like other AI writers. It’s trained by real copywriters to generate smart, relevant content that helps you connect with readers with sales as the goal. See for yourself how Jasper simplifies the hard work of writing about yourself, your team, your story, your brand values, and the value all of those things create for your audience. Sign up for Jasper today!

Meet The Author:

Austin Distel

Austin Distel

Marketing @ Jasper

Austin Distel is the Sr. Director of Marketing at Jasper, your AI marketing co-pilot. When not working, Austin is also an Airbnb superhost in Austin, Texas.

Writing & Editing

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