AI for Business: 110+ AI Prompts to Power your Organization

Not sure how to use AI for business? We're giving you access to 110+ AI prompts to use across marketing, sales, CS, and HR.

Published on Nov 16, 2023

One of the biggest questions we get at Jasper is not why businesses should use AI, but how they should use AI.

It seems everyone knows they should start testing and incorporating AI into their workflows, but they still wonder:

  • What does that actually look like? 
  • What are concrete use cases for AI in business today?
  • How can AI be used outside of just the marketing team?

With so many practical ways to use an Jasper across an entire organization, we decided it was time to wrangle up all the best ways to use our AI engine for your business, giving you access to 110+ AI prompts to use across marketing, sales, CS, and HR.

How we compiled this list:

This list came from our Customer Success team who helps Jasper users learn how to use and get the most out of our platform.

"On the Customer Success Team at Jasper, we spend our days helping customers achieve their content creation goals with the help of generative AI," says Sr. Solutions Architect Chris Battis.

"To share the potential of this cutting-edge tool, we assembled a group of Customer Success folks and compiled a database of high-quality content generated by AI. These AI prompts can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for everyone interested in exploring the potential of generative AI."

How to use Jasper's prompts:

If you're an existing customer, you can use these prompts to create content inside of Jasper's Document editor, Jasper Chat, or by using the Commands template via the app or Jasper Chrome extension.

If you're not a customer yet — dang, why not? Join the party!

AI Prompts for Business

AI Prompts for Marketing

Define your target audience

Jasper is the perfect tool for marketing directors looking to define their target audience.

From demographic information to psychographic traits, you can use Jasper to analyze customer data and glean insights for an effective and comprehensive target audience profile.


1. "Create a comprehensive profile of my ideal customer, including demographic information, psychographic characteristics, and purchase behavior, that will help me identify and target the right people for my [product/service]."

2. "Develop a detailed buyer persona for my [product/service] that outlines the needs, interests, and challenges of my target audience, and use this to create more effective marketing campaigns."

3. "Analyze the market and identify potential customer segments that are most likely to be interested in my [product/service], and develop strategies to reach and engage them."

4. "Identify the key influencers in my target market and create a plan to leverage their reach and influence to drive more qualified leads to my [product/service]."

5. "Conduct research to understand the motivations and preferences of my target audience, and use this to create a more personalized marketing experience.""Analyze the competition and identify opportunities to differentiate my [product/service] from the rest of the market, and use this to create more effective marketing campaigns."

Product launch announcements

With Jasper's ability to understand and reflect your brand's tone, product marketers can craft product launch announcements that capture attention and get your audience excited.

Whether you need a catchy headline or compelling body copy, Jasper can help you create emails that inform, entertain, and stay in people's minds.


1. "Write an email that introduces my [product/service] to the market, emphasizing its unique features and benefits, and providing a clear call to action for my [target persona]."

2. "Develop an email copy that outlines the value proposition of my [product/service], provides a compelling reason to buy, and leaves the [target persona] with a sense of urgency and excitement."

3. "Write an email that leverages the power of storytelling, social proof, and persuasive language to captivate my [target persona] and motivate them to take action."

4. "Craft an attention-grabbing subject line and email body that explains the features and benefits of my [product/service], addresses the [target persona]'s pain points, and encourages them to take advantage of the offer."

5. "Write a persuasive email that showcases the success stories of similar [target persona] who have used my [product/service] to overcome [pain point], and emphasize the urgency and scarcity of the offer."

6. "Develop an email copy that highlights the unique advantages of my [product/service] over the competition, and provides a clear call to action for the [target persona] to take advantage of the offer."

Blog writing

Jasper is a powerful writing assistant that can help you write compelling blog posts quickly. You can even ask Jasper to help you optimize a blog post for a certain keyword, or to structure the blog using headers. Plus, Jasper understands your unique brand voice, so your posts always sound like you.


1. "Write a blog post about the impact of **[specific event/news]** on **[specific industry or community]**."

2. "Write a blog post of what are the key takeaways from **[insert book/article]** and how can they be applied to **[insert industry/field]**?"

3. "Write a blog post about some common misconceptions about **[insert topic]** and how can they be corrected?"

4. "Write an explanatory blog about the process of **[specific task or project]** and include tips on how to do it efficiently."

5. "Write a blog about an overview of the advantages of **[specific activity or hobby]** and see how to start with helpful tips and the equipment you need."

Pictured: Jasper Chat


💡 To help Jasper generate relevant content, provide a clear and focused topic for the blog post.

💡 If you like what you've written but it's too long, you can ask Jasper to make it shorter.

Email campaigns

Jasper can help write email campaigns by generating content ideas, catchy subject lines, and call-to-action phrases. Give Jasper information about your product, target audience, and brand voice, and watch him create personalized email copy that resonates with readers.


1. "Our [PRODUCT/SERVICE] is launching soon, and we need to send an email campaign to our [TARGET AUDIENCE] to create buzz and anticipation. Can you help me write an engaging subject line that stands out in their inbox and a message that highlights the [UNIQUE FEATURE/BENEFIT] and creates a sense of urgency? Our brand voice is [PROFESSIONAL/FRIENDLY/CASUAL etc.], and we want to convey [TRUST/ENTHUSIASM/INNOVATION etc.] in the email."

2. "We're planning to run a [SEASONAL/PROMOTIONAL etc.] sale, and we need to send a series of emails to our [TYPE e.g. SEGMENTED/TARGETED] email list. Can you suggest a theme for each email (e.g., gift ideas, discount codes, limited-time offers) and write compelling copy that persuades them to [e.g., BUY/SHOP NOW/SAVE]? We want to include [e.g., PERSONALIZATION/URGENCY/SOCIAL PROOF] elements in the emails to increase conversions."

3. "We're hosting a [e.g., WEBINAR/VIRTUAL EVENT] next week, and we need to send an invitation email to our email list. Can you help me write an inviting and informative email that includes the [e.g., EVENT DETAILS/SPEAKERS/REGISTRATION LINK]? Our audience is [e.g., KNOWLEDGEABLE/BUSY/ENGAGED], and we want to make the email [e.g., CONCISE/ENTICING/INTERACTIVE]."

4. "We've noticed that some of our email subscribers haven't engaged with our recent newsletters, and we want to send a re-engagement email to win them back. Can you suggest a creative subject line that grabs their attention and a message that addresses their [e.g., PAIN POINTS/INTERESTS/PREFERENCES]? We want to offer [e.g., INCENTIVES/PERSONALIZED RECOMMENDATIONS/EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] to encourage them to open and click on the email."

5. "We're launching a new [e.g., PRODUCT/SERVICE/FEATURE], and we want to send an email announcement to our email list. Can you create an attention-grabbing subject line and a brief but exciting introduction that highlights the [e.g., KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS/PROBLEMS SOLVED]? We want to showcase our [e.g., INNOVATIVE/EFFECTIVE/HIGH-QUALITY] solutions and build excitement among our subscribers."


💡 Use specific and relevant information: To help Jasper generate more accurate and tailored content ideas that resonate with your audience, provide as much detail as possible about the product, audience, brand voice, and goals of your email campaign.

💡 Edit and personalize the content: Jasper can give you a good starting point for your email copy, but it's important to personalize and refine it to match your brand, style, and messaging. Add your unique touch, such as personalization, storytelling, humor, or emotional appeals, to make the emails more engaging and memorable.

💡 Test and optimize the emails: After creating the email campaigns with Jasper, it's important to test them and see how they perform. Use A/B testing, segmentation, and analytics to identify the best-performing emails and improve your results.

Lead nurturing email sequences

Jasper is the perfect tool for creating effective lead nurturing email sequences. With its ability to quickly analyze customer data and create personalized content, Jasper can help you craft engaging emails that will capture the attention of your leads and keep them engaged.

From personalized subject lines to relevant content tailored to each individual lead, create a powerful email sequence that will convert leads into loyal customers.


1. "Write an email sequence that will engage and nurture my [target persona] and establish trust and credibility in my [product/service], leading them to take [desired action]."

2. "Create an email sequence that educates my [target persona] on the value of my [product/service] and encourages them to take action by providing compelling evidence and persuasive language."

3. "Develop an email sequence that will build a relationship with my [target persona] by offering helpful advice and resources, while also positioning my [product/service] as the best solution to their [pain point]."

4. "Write an email sequence that utilizes storytelling, social proof, and a sense of urgency to motivate my [target persona] to take action and purchase my [product/service]."

5. "Craft an email sequence that builds a strong connection with my [target persona] by highlighting the unique benefits of my [product/service] and how it can help them achieve their goals."

6. "Design an email sequence that showcases the success stories of similar [target persona] who have used my [product/service] to overcome [pain point], and encourages them to take action now."

Designing ads

Need help with ads? Jasper can help by providing creative and innovative ideas, generating ad copy, suggesting relevant visuals, and helping with keyword research. It can analyze past ad campaigns and provide insights into what worked and what didn't.

Take it a step further and use Jasper to A/B test the most effective ad variations.


1. "How can I create a [SPECIFIC AD FORMAT] ad that effectively communicates my [PRODUCT/SERVICE] unique [VALUE PROPOSITION] to [SPECIFIC AUDIENCE] and drives [SPECIFIC ACTION]?"

2. "What [SPECIFIC DESIGN ELEMENTS/VISUALS] should I use to make my [SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM] ad visually appealing and encourage [SPECIFIC ACTION] among my [TARGET AUDIENCE]?"

3. "Can you suggest [NUMBER] variations of ad copy that speak to the [SPECIFIC AUDIENCE], highlight [SPECIFIC BENEFIT/FEATURE] of my [PRODUCT/SERVICE], and incorporate [SPECIFIC EMOTION/PSYCHOLOGICAL TRIGGER]?"

4. "What are some [SPECIFIC PSYCHOLOGICAL TRIGGERS/EMOTIONS] that can be incorporated in my [AD FORMAT] ad to increase [SPECIFIC METRIC], such as [SPECIFIC METRIC] or [SPECIFIC METRIC]?"



💡 When requesting ad ideas, be specific about your target audience and what sets your product/service apart from competitors. This will help Jasper generate more relevant ideas.

💡 Provide examples of past ad campaigns and their results to help Jasper understand what has worked well and what needs improvement.

💡 When requesting keyword suggestions, provide a list of your top competitors and any relevant industry keywords. This will help Jasper generate more targeted and effective suggestions.

Social media strategy and content

Jasper can help create engaging social media content by generating ideas, captions, and hashtags for various platforms. It can also help with social strategy tasks like creating content calendars and content execution plans.


1. "Can you suggest [NUMBER] content ideas for [SPECIFIC SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM] related to [SPECIFIC TOPIC/INDUSTRY] that can appeal to [TARGET AUDIENCE]? Also, can you provide a brief description of each idea and how to execute it?"

2. "What are some trendy and effective hashtags to use for [SPECIFIC SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM] in [MONTH/SEASON] for [SPECIFIC TARGET AUDIENCE] interested in [SPECIFIC TOPIC/INDUSTRY]?"

3. "What are some innovative and eye-catching ways to showcase my [SPECIFIC PRODUCT/SERVICE] on [SPECIFIC SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM] that can stand out from competitors and appeal to [SPECIFIC TARGET AUDIENCE]? Can you provide some examples and tips to make them more effective?"

4. "Can you help me come up with a comprehensive and well-planned content calendar for [SPECIFIC SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM] that aligns with my brand's values and caters to the interests of [SPECIFIC TARGET AUDIENCE]? Also, can you provide suggestions for [SPECIFIC TOPIC/INDUSTRY] related events or holidays that can be leveraged for content creation?"

5. "How can I create engaging and creative captions that capture the attention of [SPECIFIC TARGET AUDIENCE] for my [SPECIFIC PRODUCT/SERVICE] on [SPECIFIC SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM]? Can you provide some examples and tips to make them more effective?"


💡 Use specific and detailed prompts - Jasper needs detailed prompts to generate accurate and relevant content. Review and edit the generated content to ensure it fits with your brand's voice and values.

💡 Don't be afraid to experiment with different prompts - Try using different keywords, formats, and platforms to get a diverse range of content ideas.

💡 Review and edit the generated content - Jasper can give you a good start for your content, but make sure to review and edit it to fit your brand's style and values.

PR outreach

PR may not be the first thing you think of when you think of Jasper, but it's the perfect tool to generate personalized and persuasive pitches, press releases, and email templates that are tailored to specific audiences.


1. "Can you help me craft a pitch for [PRODUCT/SERVICE/EVENT] that would be appealing to [TARGET AUDIENCE], taking into account [SPECIFIC CHALLENGE/ISSUE], and emphasizing [e.g., KEY BENEFIT/VALUE PROPOSITION], while also differentiating from [COMPETITOR]?"

2. "What are some effective email subject lines for reaching out to [e.g., MEDIA OUTLET/INFLUENCER] about [TOPIC], given that [e.g., ADDITIONAL CONTEXT/ANGLE], and including [e.g., HOOK/TEASER] to pique their interest?"

3. "How can I write a compelling press release about [e.g., ANNOUNCEMENT] that will catch the attention of [e.g., JOURNALISTS], while also highlighting [e.g., KEY DIFFERENTIATOR], and including [e.g., RELEVANT STATISTIC/FACT] to support the story?"

4. "What are some tips for crafting an outreach message that is both professional and engaging, specifically for [TYPE OF RECIPIENT], that demonstrates [EXPERTISE/CREDIBILITY] and includes a [CALL-TO-ACTION] to encourage response?"

5. "Can you generate a list of potential media outlets/influencers to reach out to for coverage of [TOPIC], considering [GEOGRAPHIC REGION/INDUSTRY NICHE], and prioritizing those with [e.g., HIGH ENGAGEMENT/AUDIENCE RELEVANCE], and with [e.g., EXISTING RELATIONSHIP/PAST COVERAGE]?"


💡 Give ample context when requesting help from Jasper. Edit and review Jasper's messages to guarantee accuracy and professionalism. Use your own expertise when finalizing your outreach materials.

💡 Experiment with different prompts and templates to find the ones that work best for your specific needs. Jasper’s responses may vary depending on the wording and context of the request.

💡 After creating messages with Jasper, review and edit them as needed for professionalism, accuracy, and correctness. Use your own judgement and expertise when finalizing outreach materials.

SMS marketing

SMS is a great way to increase sales, promote your brand, and communicate with customers, but how do you make sure your texts don't go ignored?

Jasper can help your SMS marketing efforts by creating clever, engaging messages that encourage people to take action.


1. "Generate the SMS to introduce a new **[product/service]** to customers, involving saying how it is a perfect solution for **[product benefit].**"

2. "Create an SMS to promote the launch of a new **[product/service line]**, emphasizing the unique features and benefits it offers to customers.""Generate an SMS to invite customers to a special **[event/sale]**, mentioning the date, time, and location and how they can benefit from attending."

3. "Create an SMS to inform customers about a recent **[update/improvement]** in a product/service, highlighting the added value and increased efficiency it brings."

4. "Generate an SMS to offer a personalized discount on **[products/services]**, emphasizing the value and savings available exclusively to customers."

Pictured: Jasper Chat


💡 Provide positive and negative examples: Providing both positive and negative examples can help the model understand your preferences and generate a more personalized response.

Creating case studies

Case studies are great way to provide valuable social proof while turning your customers into heroes, but they sometimes get pushed to the content back burner.

Let Jasper help you recover this low-hanging fruit with personalized templates and ideas that showcase your customers' success stories.

Check out this case study of Jasper customer, Mongoose Media, that we created using Jasper. (A Jasper case study about a Jasper customer created with Jasper? Jasper-ception!)


1. "Can you provide me with a case study template for [CLIENT NAME]'s [PRODUCT/SERVICE] that showcases the results achieved? Please suggest the key metrics and KPIs that should be included. Use [AGENCY NAME], [RESULTS], and [KEY METRICS] as placeholders for customization."

2. "How would you structure a case study for [CLIENT NAME] that focuses on their journey of digital transformation? Please suggest the main sections, such as the challenges, the solutions, and the outcomes achieved. Use [AGENCY NAME], [CLIENT NAME], and [OUTCOMES] as placeholders for customization."

3. "Can you generate a case study template for [CLIENT NAME] that highlights their partnership with [PARTNER NAME]? Please include details on the collaboration process, the benefits for both parties, and the outcomes achieved. Use [AGENCY NAME], [CLIENT NAME], and [PARTNER NAME] as placeholders for customization."

4. "How would you structure a case study for [CLIENT NAME] that showcases their success in achieving sustainability goals? Please suggest the main sections, such as the challenges, the solutions, and the impact achieved. Use [AGENCY NAME], [CLIENT NAME], and [IMPACT] as placeholders for customization."

5. "Can you provide me with a case study template for [CLIENT NAME] that highlights their social media strategy? Please include details on the objectives, the tactics, and the results achieved. Use [AGENCY NAME], [CLIENT NAME], and [RESULTS] as placeholders for customization."


💡 Focus on the client's pain points and challenges: A case study should start by highlighting the problems faced by the client and how it was impacting their business. This will help readers relate to the situation and understand the significance of the solution provided by the agency.

💡 Showcase the agency's unique approach: The case study should explain how the agency approached the problem and why their solution was effective. This can include details about the agency's methodology, tools, and expertise that were utilized to achieve the desired outcomes.

💡 Provide tangible results: It is important to quantify the impact of the agency's solution with specific metrics and KPIs. This helps to establish the effectiveness of the agency's solution and provides evidence for the success achieved. Additionally, including quotes from the client that highlight the benefits of the solution can add credibility to the case study.

AI Prompts for Sales

Writing sales copy

Crafting sales copy requires persuasive writing skills to convince potential customers to purchase a product or service.

With Jasper, you can generate effective headlines, persuasive language, and product descriptions that highlight the benefits and features of your product. Jasper can also help identify the target audience and tailor the copy to their specific needs and desires.


1. "I'm [ADJECTIVE] at writing sales copy for my [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. Can you [ACTION] me with crafting a persuasive message that grabs the attention of my target audience and [ACTION] them to take action?"

2. "I'm having trouble coming up with a [ADJECTIVE] headline for my [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. Can you suggest some [ADJECTIVE] phrases that will [ACTION] the reader's attention and [ACTION] them to learn more about what I have to offer?"

3. "How can I [ACTION] the benefits of my [PRODUCT/SERVICE] without sounding too [ADJECTIVE]? I want to [ACTION] potential customers understand the [ADJECTIVE] value of what I'm offering and [ACTION] them to make a purchase."

4. "What [ADJECTIVE] language should I use to create a sense of [EMOTION] in my sales copy? I want my [TARGET AUDIENCE] to feel like they [ACTION] to act fast to take advantage of this [PRODUCT/SERVICE]."

5. "Can you help me [ACTION] the key selling points of my [PRODUCT/SERVICE]? I want to make sure that my sales copy [ACTION] on the [ADJECTIVE] features that will [ACTION] most with my [TARGET AUDIENCE] and [ACTION] them to make a purchase."


💡 Use emotional language: Sales copy that taps into the emotions of the reader is more likely to be persuasive. Use language that creates a sense of excitement, fear, or curiosity to grab the reader's attention and encourage them to take action.

💡 Focus on benefits, not just features: When writing sales copy, it's important to highlight the benefits of the product or service, not just the features. Benefits are what the customer will gain from using the product, while features are the specific characteristics of the product. By focusing on benefits, you can create a more persuasive argument for why the customer should make a purchase.

💡 Use social proof: Social proof includes things like customer testimonials, reviews, and endorsements from reputable sources. Incorporating social proof into your sales copy can help build trust with your audience and increase the likelihood of a sale.

Creating sales scripts

Jasper can help you create effective sales scripts that are personalized and persuasive. It identifies your target audience, highlights your product benefits, and handles common objections.

By using Jasper, you can save time and effort, while also gaining insights into the language and tone that resonates with your customers.



2. "Can you create a sales script that targets [INSERT TARGET AUDIENCE] who are interested in [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE CATEGORY] and are looking for [INSERT SOLUTION]? The script should highlight the unique features and benefits of [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE] and include a clear call-to-action for [INSERT DESIRED OUTCOME]."

3. "I need a sales script that speaks directly to [INSERT TARGET AUDIENCE], using [INSERT TONE] language and emphasizing the [INSERT TOP 3 PRODUCT/SERVICE FEATURES]. The script should address common objections such as [INSERT COMMON OBJECTION 1], [INSERT COMMON OBJECTION 2], and [INSERT COMMON OBJECTION 3]."

4. "I want to create a sense of [ADJECTIVE] urgency and scarcity in my sales pitch. Can you help me come up with some language that will encourage [TARGET AUDIENCE] to [SPECIFIC ACTION] and not miss out on [PRODUCT/SERVICE]? What [SPECIFIC INCENTIVE] can I offer to make this happen?"

5. "I need to tailor my sales pitch for a specific [INDUSTRY/NICHE]. Can you help me understand the [SPECIFIC LANGUAGE/TERMINOLOGY] that resonates with [TARGET AUDIENCE] and suggest some [SPECIFIC EXAMPLES] that will highlight the [e.g., UNIQUE SELLING POINTS/BENEFITS] of our [PRODUCT/SERVICE] for this [INDUSTRY/NICHE]?"


💡 Research the target audience: To create an effective sales script, it is important to understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of the target audience. Use surveys, social media listening tools, and customer feedback to gather insights that can inform your language and messaging.

💡 Use storytelling techniques: Storytelling is a powerful way to engage with customers and make your sales pitch more memorable. Use anecdotes, testimonials, and real-life examples to illustrate the benefits and value of your product/service.

💡 Test and iterate: Creating a successful sales script is an iterative process that requires experimentation and refinement. Test different language, messaging, and dialogue flows to see what resonates best with your target audience, and use data analytics to track your results and optimize your script over time.

Sales outreach

Jasper can help you save time on sales outreach in a massive way. Use Jasper to quickly generate personalized messages, research potential leads, and improve outreach effectiveness.


1. "Based on the [SPECIFIC PRODUCT/SERVICE] our company offers and the [UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION/DIFFERENTIATOR], can you help me craft a customized sales pitch for [INDUSTRY/LEAD NAME] that resonates with their [SPECIFIC PAIN POINT/CHALLENGE] and highlights the [e.g., ROI/BENEFITS] they can expect?"

2. "As a follow-up to my initial outreach, can you suggest ways to [e.g., CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION/NURTURE THE LEAD] while [e.g., ADDING VALUE/PROVIDING INSIGHTS] and [e.g., BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP/ESTABLISHING TRUST] with the lead?"

3. "In order to conduct effective outreach to potential leads, can you provide me with a list of [TARGETED KEYWORDS/SOURCES] to use for [e.g., PROSPECTING/RESEARCHING] and any tips on how to [GATHER/ANALYZE] data to identify key [e.g., TRENDS/INSIGHTS/OPPORTUNITIES] in the [INDUSTRY/SECTOR]?"

4. "What are some best practices for [e.g., WRITING EFFECTIVE EMAIL SUBJECT LINES/CREATING ATTENTION-GRABBING HEADLINES] that [e.g., PERSUADE/MOTIVATE] the lead to open and read the [EMAIL/ARTICLE] and [TAKE ACTION/RESPOND] to the call-to-action?"



💡 Use specific information to personalize outreach messages, such as the recipient's name, company, or industry.

💡 Utilize data and analytics to identify the most effective outreach tactics and refine your approach over time.

💡 Experiment with different communication channels, such as email, social media, and phone calls, to determine which methods work best for your target audience.

Creating sales emails

Jasper can help B2B sales folks craft a sequence of powerful sales prospecting emails that will get the attention of potential customers. By understanding the customer's needs and interests, Jasper can create personalized emails that engage the reader and drive them to take action.

With its ability to quickly analyze customer data and generate persuasive content, Jasper can help sales managers maximize their outreach efforts and increase their success rate.


1. "Write an email that will capture the attention of my target prospects and clearly explain the unique value of my product/service in a way that resonates with their needs and goals."

2. "Create an email that demonstrates my expertise and establishes me as a credible source of information in the industry, while also conveying the urgency of the offer."

3. "Develop an email that is tailored to the individual needs of my prospects, highlighting the features and benefits of my product/service that are most relevant to them."

4. "Write an email that will inspire my prospects to take action by demonstrating the potential of my product/service to solve their specific problems and improve their business operations."

5. "Craft an email that will build trust and credibility with my prospects by providing social proof and showcasing the success stories of similar customers who have used my product/service."

6. "Write an email that will generate interest and excitement around my product/service by leveraging the power of storytelling and persuasive language to captivate my prospects and drive them to take action."

AI Prompts for Customer Service/Customer Success

Responding to customer emails

Jasper can help you respond to customer emails quickly and easily while staying on-brand. This means that you can provide great customer service without spending hours in your inbox.


1. "What are some effective ways to respond to a customer's complaint in an email? The customer's complaint says: **[customers complaint/message]**"

2. "I am looking for a way to streamline my customer service email responses. Can you help me create a template for addressing common questions and concerns about **[product/service]**?"

3. "I am looking for a way to handle customer complaints and turn the situation around. Can you help me write an email that acknowledges the issue, apologizes and offers a solution to make it right? The issue is **[issue]**"

4. "I want to make sure I am providing a professional and personalized response to customer emails. Can you help me create a script for introducing myself, thanking the customer for their email, and addressing their inquiry related to **[product/service]**?"

5. "I need help crafting an email that addresses a common issue that customers have with **[product/service]**. Can you help me write a response that provides a solution and reassures the customer?"

Pictured: Jasper Chat


💡 Provide context: Give Jasper as much information about the customer and their inquiry as possible. This can include details about their past interactions with your company, their needs and goals, and any relevant industry or market information.

💡 Be mindful of tone: Be aware of the tone that you want the response to have, and provide Jasper with examples of the tone you want it to emulate. This can include providing examples of previous responses you've written that have been well-received, or even a sample email with the tone you want to replicate.

💡 Use additional data: Give Jasper additional data such as customer's name, demographics, purchase history, etc.

Responding to customer comments

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube — the list of social media platforms is never-ending, which can make it hard to keep up with interactions. With Jasper, you can quickly get answers to common customer questions and respond to comments quickly and efficiently.


1. "What are the benefits of **[product/service]**?"

2. "How does **[process]** work?"

3. "What are some alternative solutions for **[problem]**?"

4. "Can you provide a step-by-step guide for **[process]**?"

5. "Can you provide more information about **[product/service]**?"


💡 Use specific and detailed prompts when asking Jasper to generate responses to comments. For example, instead of just asking "Can you respond to this comment?" try giving more context such as "Can you generate a thoughtful and professional response to this comment about our latest product release?"

💡 Continuously monitor and evaluate the responses generated by Jasper and make adjustments as needed.

Summarize customer feedback

Jasper is an excellent tool for summarizing customer feedback quickly and effectively. It can analyze large amounts of feedback, identify the important points, and present them in a clear and engaging way.

Whether you want to improve customer satisfaction or just understand the feedback you've received, Jasper can help.


1. "Can you provide a summary of the customer feedback for **[product/service]** based on the data I have provided: **[Feedback Data]**?"

2. "What are the key highlights from the customer feedback for [product/service] based on the data I have given you: **[Feedback Data]**?"

3. "Can you condense the customer feedback for **[product/service]** based on the data into a brief summary for me? Data: **[Feedback Data]**"

4. "What are the major takeaways from the customer feedback for **[product/service]** according to the data I have provided? Data: **[Feedback Data]**"

5. "Can you summarize the customer feedback for [product/service] as described in the data I have shared with you? Data: **[Feedback Data]**"


💡 Be clear and specific: When asking Jasper to summarize customer feedback, be sure to provide clear and specific information, such as the type of product/service and the data that you want summarized.

Create customer FAQs

Jasper can help you create an FAQ section for your website or customer service portal. With its advanced language processing abilities, Jasper can help you anticipate customer questions and provide clear and concise answers.


1. "I want to create an FAQ section for my **[business/website/product/service]**. Can you help me come up with a list of frequently asked questions and answers that will provide helpful information for my customers?"

2. "I want to improve the user experience on my website by creating an FAQ section for **[business/website/product/service]**. Can you help me come up with a list of frequently asked questions and answers that will be easily accessible and provide quick solutions for my customers?"

3. "I want to create an FAQ brochure for **[industry]**, Can you help me write answers that will help our customers better understand our product and services""I want to create a FAQ section that addresses common misconceptions about **[topic]**. Can you help me write answers that provide accurate information and clear up any confusion based on this info **[info]**?"

4. "I want to improve the user experience on my website by creating an FAQ section for **[business/website/product/service]**. Can you help me come up with a list of frequently asked questions and answers that will be easily accessible and provide quick solutions for my customers?"

Pictured: Jasper Chat


💡 Clearly define the purpose of the FAQs: Before creating the FAQs, it's important to know why you're making them. This way, you can focus on the most relevant questions that customers are likely to ask and adjust the language and tone accordingly. Jasper can assist you with this.

💡 Use simple and straightforward language: When creating your FAQs, it is important to use easy-to-understand language that your customers can easily comprehend. Avoid using technical terms or complex language that may be difficult for customers to understand. If you need help with that, Jasper can help you rephrase your writing to make it more reader-friendly.

AI Prompts for HR

Write job descriptions

Jasper is great at writing job descriptions. It can provide prompts and suggestions for the job title, responsibilities, qualifications, and requirements. Jasper can also identify the appropriate tone and language for the target audience.


1. "Can you help me create a job description for a [JOB TITLE] position in our [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION] that aligns with our [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION] values and culture? Please provide a brief overview of the [JOB TITLE] responsibilities, qualifications, [e.g., HARD SKILLS/SOFT SKILLS], [e.g., EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS], and [PREFERRED EXPERIENCE/YEARS OF EXPERIENCE].""

2. "I need to hire a [JOB TITLE] that possesses [SPECIFIC QUALIFICATION OR SKILL]. Can you provide me with a job description that highlights the key [JOB TITLE] responsibilities, qualifications, [e.g., HARD SKILLS/SOFT SKILLS], [EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS], and [PREFERRED EXPERIENCE/YEARS OF EXPERIENCE] that align with our [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION] culture?"

3. "Can you assist me in creating a job description that attracts candidates with [SPECIFIC ATTRIBUTE] for the [JOB TITLE] position by highlighting our [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION] unique [FEATURE] that sets us apart from competitors in the industry?"

4. "I am looking to create a job description for a [JOB TITLE] position that is targeted towards [SPECIFIC DEMOGRAPHIC OR INDUSTRY], can you help me in identifying the appropriate language, tone, and [KEYWORDS] for the job description that will appeal to this target audience?"

5. "I need a job description that is concise, creative, and reflects the [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION] brand while highlighting the most important aspects of the [JOB TITLE] position, can you help me in creating one that includes [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION] mission, vision, and values?"


💡 Use specific and concise language while describing the job responsibilities and requirements. This will help in providing a clear understanding of the position to the candidates.

💡 Try to focus on the key qualifications and skills required for the position while keeping the job description brief and to the point. This can help in attracting more qualified candidates for the position.

💡 Use a language and tone that is appropriate for the target audience of the job description. This can help in making the job description more appealing and engaging for the candidates.

Create offer letters

Jasper can help you save time and effort by automating the process of creating offer letters. With Jasper, you can easily generate personalized, professional, and error-free offer letters in a short time.

This is a straightforward, efficient, and hassle-free way to welcome new hires to your organization.


1. "Please create an offer letter for a **[position title]** role with a salary of **[salary amount]** and start date of **[start date]**. The benefits include **[list of benefits]**. The job location is **[location]**. Also, include a brief company overview that does **[company details]**."

2. "Can you draft an offer letter for a **[position title]** role with a salary of **[salary amount]** and start date of **[start date]**. The position is based in **[location]**. The letter should include details about **[bonus/commission structure]**, plan, and **[other benefits and perks]** offered to employees."

3. "Draft an offer letter for a [position title] role with a **[salary amount]** salary and a start date of **[start date]**. The position is located in **[location]**. The letter should include information about the **[training and development opportunities]**, **[work schedule]**, and **[other benefits and perks]**."

4. "Please create an offer letter for the **[position title]** role with a salary of **[salary amount]** and start date of **[start date]**. The benefits include **[list of benefits]**. The job location is **[location]**. Also, include a brief company overview."

5. "Please create an offer letter for the **[position title]** role with a salary of **[salary amount]** and start date of **[start date]**. The benefits include **[list of benefits]**. The job location is **[location]**. Also, include a brief company overview."

6. "Draft an offer letter for the **[position title]** role with a **[salary amount]** salary and a start date of **[start date]**. The position is located in **[location]**. The letter should include information about the **[training and development opportunities]**, **[work schedule]**, and **[other benefits and perks]**."

Pictured: Jasper Chat


💡 Be clear and specific: Clearly state what you are looking for, and provide as much relevant information as possible.

Create employee training materials

Jasper is a useful tool for developing employee training. It provides valuable and up-to-date information on industry trends, best practices, and training methods to create effective training programs for the organization and its employees.

Jasper can also generate ideas for interactive and engaging training methods, making learning more enjoyable for employees.


1. "What are some industry trends in [EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT] that we should consider for our [SPECIFIC INDUSTRY] company? How do these trends [e.g., RELATE TO OUR BUSINESS GOALS] and how can we [e.g., SPECIFICALLY IMPLEMENT THESE TRENDS] into our existing training programs?"

2. "How can we design training programs that cater to different [LEARNING STYLES], and what [SPECIFIC TRAINING METHODOLOGIES OR TECHNOLOGIES] should we consider for each style? How can we [TAILOR THE TRAINING PROGRAMS] to the needs of our [SPECIFIC EMPLOYEE DEMOGRAPHICS] and [e.g., ENSURE THEIR ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION] in the training?"

3. "What are some effective ways to evaluate the success of employee training programs, and how can we [SPECIFICALLY MEASURE EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND TRAINING OUTCOMES]? What [SPECIFIC METRICS OR KPIS] should we use to [ASSESS THE IMPACT OF THE TRAINING PROGRAM] and how can we [COLLECT AND ANALYZE DATA] to improve the training?"


5. "What are some best practices for implementing employee training programs, and how can we [SPECIFICALLY ENSURE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND FEEDBACK] throughout the process? How can we [ENCOURAGE EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION AND BUY-IN], and what [SPECIFIC STRATEGIES OR TOOLS] can we use to [MONITOR AND IMPROVE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE TRAINING PROGRAM] over time?"


💡 Clearly define training objectives and metrics beforehand to assess the success of the training program accurately.

💡 Use interactive and engaging training methods to increase employee engagement and retention.

💡 Regularly follow-up with employees to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program and identify areas for improvement.

Improve your employee NPS score

Jasper is the perfect partner for the HR team when it comes to employee NPS surveys. With Jasper, you can easily measure employee sentiment and take action to create a better work environment.

Our tool can quickly and accurately analyze survey responses to identify areas of improvement and uncover insights that will help you better understand your employees.


1. "Write a survey that will accurately measure employee satisfaction and engagement with our company, and provide us with actionable insights to improve our HR team."

2. "Design a survey that will capture feedback from our employees on their overall experience with our company, and identify areas where we can improve our HR initiatives."

3. "Create a survey that will accurately measure our employees' Net Promoter Score, and provide us with the data we need to make informed decisions about our HR team."

4. "Write a survey that will help us understand how our employees feel about our company culture, and identify areas where we can make improvements to our HR team.""

5. "Design a survey that will capture feedback from our employees on their overall experience with our company, and provide us with the data we need to make strategic decisions about our HR initiatives."

6. "Create a survey that will accurately measure our employees' engagement with our company, and provide us with actionable insights to enhance our HR team."

Whew, that was a lot of prompts. Hopefully your team understands Jasper a little better now and can use these prompts to work better and faster across not just marketing, but across your entire organization. Happy Jasper-ing!

Meet The Author:

Krista Doyle

Krista Doyle

SEO at Jasper

Krista Doyle is a writer-turned-strategy-nerd based in Austin, TX. By day she manages content strategy and SEO right here at Jasper, by night she binges Netflix or continues her mission to find the best old fashioned in Austin, TX.

Marketing Strategy
Writing & Editing

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