
6 Video Script Templates That Will Make Your Videos Stand Out

Creating video content for your business? Use these video script templates to get started with your scripts. (Including real examples for inspiration!)

Published on Jun 04, 2024

Marketers may not have set out to make movies, but video is a powerful asset to add to any marketing strategy. But not just any video will do.

You’ve got to create a video that speaks to your target audience, holds your viewers’ attention, and effectively communicates your brand’s key messages. For that reason, marketers need to know how to write a good script that serves as a starting point for video production.

Video script templates are a helpful resource to have on hand when you start your next video project. Below, we’ll dive into what you need to have in your script if you want your video to really stand out and provide you with some templates and examples you can use to get inspired and start writing!

Elements of a standout video script

Creating a compelling video script is essential for any successful marketing campaign.

There are many different approaches to writing a great video script. While some people prefer to write their marketing video scripts like a movie script with visual details written alongside the dialogue, others prefer to organize the script visually by using a table or including a storyboard.

Regardless of your chosen script format, there are a few common elements of great marketing video scripts. Understanding them will be crucial in capturing your audience’s attention and effectively conveying your brand’s message.

Attention-grabbing introduction

The introduction of a video script is the most critical part because it sets the tone for the entire video. It's the first interaction your audience has with your content, so it needs to be attention-grabbing to hook them from the start.

Strong introductions can pique curiosity, evoke emotion, or pose a question that keeps viewers engaged. This initial part is where you establish the context, introduce the main theme, and provide a preview of what's to come. A well-crafted introduction not only captures attention but also compels viewers to continue watching to discover more about your brand or message.

Remember, first impressions matter, and in the realm of video marketing, the introduction is your chance to make a memorable impact.

How to write a strong introduction for your video content

  1. Define the Purpose: Clearly outline the objective of your video in the introduction to set the tone for the rest of the content.
  2. Grab Attention: Start with a hook that captivates your audience's interest, whether through a surprising fact, a compelling story, or a thought-provoking question.
  3. Establish Relevance: Connect your introduction to the main theme or message of the video to ensure viewers understand why they should keep watching.
  4. Preview Content: Give a brief overview of what viewers can expect to see or learn throughout the video to generate curiosity and maintain engagement.
  5. Keep it Concise: Make sure your introduction is concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details that may distract or bore the audience.
  6. Practice Delivery: Consider the tone, pace, and delivery style that best suits your content to ensure the introduction sets the right mood for the rest of the video.
  7. End with a Transition: Seamlessly transition from the introduction to the main content of the video to maintain a smooth flow and keep viewers interested.

Compelling storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool in video content creation as it helps to captivate and engage viewers on a deeper level.

By incorporating compelling narratives, videos become more memorable and relatable, allowing the audience to connect with the message being conveyed. Stories have the ability to tap into the power of emotions, create suspense, and leave a lasting impact, making them an essential element in grabbing and maintaining viewers' attention throughout the video. 

When storytelling in creative copywriting is done effectively, it can transform a mundane video into a captivating experience that resonates with the audience long after they have finished watching.

Brand, tone and style consistency

Consistency in brand, tone, and style is crucial in video content creation as it helps to establish a strong and recognizable identity for the brand voice.

When these elements are consistent across different videos, viewers can easily identify and associate them with the brand, building brand recognition and loyalty over time. Maintaining consistency also ensures that the message and values of the brand are conveyed effectively, creating a coherent and unified image for the audience.

Consistent tone and style help to set expectations for viewers, making it easier to engage and connect with them on a deeper level.

Clearly outlined visual and audio elements

When it comes to videos, the script isn’t just about what’s being said on camera or in the narration. You need to include both the visual and audio elements in your script to show how the two work together to tell a complete story.

There are different ways you can do this in the actual script. You can include the details within the text like this article from HubSpot:

Screenshot of Hubspot's insight on how to make good video scripts.
Source: HubSpot

You’ll notice the visual elements are right alongside the voiceover details and sound effects. This is a great option for talking head videos where one person is talking, as it makes it easy for them to recognize the visual cues and incorporate them into the video in the right spots.

Another option is to use two separate columns, lining up the video details with the audio script like this example from Biteable:

Image of insight from Biteable on how to frame parts of video script
Source: Biteable

Each shot or scene can have its own row so there is a clear understanding of the scene change. This is a great option for videos that are being created by different team members. The audio script might be used by the person doing the voiceover, while the visual script may be important for the person editing the clips together.

Clear, concise dialogue

People have short attention spans. That’s why it’s essential to stick to just the dialogue you need to use or the details that you must include for the viewer to understand the content. This doesn’t mean the video has to be devoid of personality. However, you’ll want to trim the fluff before you start recording.

One of the best ways to make sure your script contains just the necessary details is to create an outline before you start writing. An outline will help you stay on track while discussing the most important aspects of the topic.

"The key to holding the audience's attention is pacing," said Finn McKenty, head of product at URM Academy. "The most common mistake is rambling. Nobody wants to hear you drone on, so be ruthless with yourself when it comes to editing. The most common mistake is rambling. Nobody wants to hear you drone on, so be ruthless with yourself when it comes to editing. Trim every single bit of fat that you can. If people ask for more detail, that's a great signal that you did your job! Don't try to pack every detail into a single video."

To create an outline in Jasper, you’ll choose the “Video Script Outline” option from the Templates section. Then, include your video title or topic as well as the tone of voice you’d like for the video.

Jasper will generate multiple outputs for you to choose from. You can choose the one you like best or mix and match, taking the sections you want to use to create your own unique outline.

Here’s an example of a video script outline for “5 Ways to Increase your LSAT score in 2021”:

Screenshot showing a Youtube script creation process in Jasper

Short, catchy hook

The hook should grab the reader’s attention in the first 15 seconds of the video. Even though it’s short, it’s a vital part of the video as it helps the viewer understand whether they should watch the rest of the video or move on.

Not sure how to get started? You can use Jasper to create video script hooks and introductions in seconds. Just enter the video title and the tone of voice, and voila! You’ll have different options for your video hook and introduction.

“Wake up viewers by flipping the script on expectations with a rebel question,” said Tina Lorenz, a freelance copywriter with roughly 20 years of experience. “For example, imagine you're creating a video about boosting productivity. The expected question might be: ‘Want to get more done in less time?" (Yawn...) Instead, flip it. Ask, "What if sledge-hammering productivity made you 5x more successful?’...Asking this question challenges conventional wisdom and goes against the grain.

“A rebel question isn't just a hook; it's a statement of intention. It announces, ‘We're about to veer off the beaten path. You in?’”

Here’s an example from the “Video Script Hook and Introduction” template in Jasper:

Jasper Video Script Hook and Introduction Template

Clear call to action (CTA)

A clear call to action is essential to include in your video script. You need to make it clear what you want the viewer to do or where you want them to go next. The CTA should inspire them to act on the information they’ve just watched. This can be a call to make a purchase, download a resource, start a free trial, or even just follow your YouTube channel.

Be sure to use clear and concise language so there is no question or confusion about what they should do next. For example, rather than, “we’ve got other tech tip videos on our YouTube channel,” you can say something more clear and specific like, “Check out our video on how to use AI writing assistants to write your blog posts!”

Copywriter Tina Lorenz has a few examples to share as well.

"Tell them very clearly: 'Here's What to Do Next.'" she said. "Don't suggest; direct: 'See that big yellow 'Join Now' button? Punch it right now, and let's get started.'

"Create authentic urgency: 'Here's why you need to act now. The first 10 people to sign up today, get a free 30-minute consultation with me, valued at $2,500. Together, we'll lay out your complete marketing plan!'

"Seal the deal: 'So don't wait! Hit the button now.'"

6 video script templates (with examples)

Here are video script templates for the six most common types of videos:

1. How-to video script template

If you want your how-to video or tutorial to be effective, you’ll need to make sure that it breaks down the process into steps that the viewer can follow along with. Don’t include too much instruction or information in each step. You should also signal when you are moving to the next step with transitional words. 


Clearly state what you’ll be teaching the viewer how to do. Make sure they know why it’s valuable to learn!


Introduce the topic quickly


Go through each step in the process, including any details necessary to help the viewer understand how to do it.

Call to Action

Include the next step. Whether that’s telling them where to go for help, pointing them to another resource, or inviting them to try your product or service, your CTA should be clear and concise.

Here’s an example from InVideo of a good script that breaks down how to blur moving objects in videos:

an example from InVideo of a good script that breaks down how to blur moving objects in videos form InVideo
Source: InVideo

One reason why this script is such a great example is that the speaker uses transitions to make it clear when they are moving on to the next step. Words like “first,” “second,” “next,” and “finally” signal to the viewer that the next step is coming, so there will be a new direction. This helps keep viewers engaged and on the same page.

Also, for each step in the process, there's clear instruction for what should be shown on video to correspond with the voiceover. This is especially important because sometimes the person putting together the video clips is not the same person doing the voiceover. Having both directions clearly written out in the script makes it easier for the whole team.

2. Educational video script template

The most important thing to remember when creating an educational video script is that it needs to be digestible. Most viewers don’t want to watch an hour-long lecture, especially if the video is on your website service or product page. Instead, try to focus on 3-5 key takeaways that you can concisely give the viewer.

Here’s an educational video script template you can use:


Grab the reader’s attention, and clearly identify what they will be learning in the video.


Quickly introduce the topic. Be sure to include why it’s important so viewers know why they should watch the whole thing.


Provide 3-5 tips, facts, or other kinds of takeaways. Give a short bit of context or background and go straight into the takeaway. You want to keep these rather short, so only provide the necessary details.

Call to Action 

Where should the viewer go next? Do you have an additional resource they can view? Want them to join your email list? Clearly communicate their next step here. You may even want to embed a link in the video so they can click it and go!

Now that you’ve got the template, let’s look at an effective video script from Wistia:

an example of a video script from Wistia
Source: HubSpot

This example follows a similar script format as it breaks up the topic into 3 clear takeaways. This makes the video content more digestible for the viewer, making it easier for you to get your message across.

In the formatting of this script, there are clear indications of who is speaking in each section of the video and what they are saying. There are also clear callouts that indicate what should be happening visually throughout the video. The video text is bolded, and there’s a note when a link should appear in the video.

3. Video testimonial script template

While some video testimonials are unscripted, testimonial videos that present the entire client story or case study should be scripted. These types of testimonials are typically longer than the ones you might get from customers singing your praises. They include a lot of important details to really tell the customer’s story from beginning to end.

Here’s a video testimonial script you can use for a case study or client story:


Introduce the client and provide a few details that offer context for the testimonial, such as who they are or what their company does.


For this section, you can ask the client in an interview format or just have them summarize where they were before they used your product or service. What pain points were they looking to solve for? How did it impact them?


Ask the client about the results they experienced using your product or service. Have them include specific statistics or metrics if possible. 


The client should explain how using the product or service to get the results they did has impacted themselves or their business in a significant way. 


The client should wrap up the video with some details of the overall experience of working with your company or using your product. Then, include where they should go next either in the voiceover or in text.

Here’s an example of a case study video script in an interview script:

an example of a case study video script in an interview script
Source: Inbound Video Marketing

In this example, you can see that what the client is going to say isn’t actually scripted. Instead, there’s a summary of what the person will cover in the client interview. By allowing the customer to speak candidly about the experience (instead of giving them a script), the testimonial will sound more authentic and genuine.

Learn how to take full advantage of AI — past video scripts — with A Marketing Team's Guide to Generative AI!

4. Product tour or explainer video script template

Much like the how-to or educational video, explainer videos need to break down the topic into smaller chunks of information that are easier to understand. Avoid bogging down the viewer with too much information or irrelevant details, as it can detract from the main point of the video, which is to offer an overview of a product, service, or concept.

Use this explainer video script to get started:


Describe what you will be explaining in the video and why the viewer should care about this topic.

Main Points/Features/Steps

Take the viewer through 3-5 points that guide them through the product, service, or process that you are explaining. Keep these concise, and don’t include any unnecessary information.


What should the viewer walk away with? Reiterate the importance of what you have explained. Then, include a CTA that brings them to the next step in the journey, whether that’s to buy something or get additional information.

Here’s an example of a product tour video script:

Source: Brightcove

This script includes all of the elements of the template. It opens with a quick introduction that tells the viewer what the purpose of the video is. Then it dives into each feature, quickly and concisely, only including the most important details about each.

This format makes it easy to see what is happening in both the audio and video by separating the script into two different columns. If you’re a visual processor, this could be a great way to structure your own video scripts, no matter what type of video you are creating.

5. Brand promotion script template

Brand promo videos are multipurpose. For example, they could explain your core values and mission to potential and current customers. Or they could showcase your company culture to attract top-tier talent. No matter what your goal is, here’s a template you can use for this script type: 


Rather than giving a prepared speech, try to make your intro feel as authentic as possible, perhaps by sharing raw customer or employee comments. And make sure your brand personality comes through. 

Main Points 

Dig deeper into your message for the video—core values, culture, vision, unique value proposition, etc. Focus especially on the aspects of those things that your target audience values. 


If appropriate, state a direct call-to-action such as “Visit our Careers page today.” Otherwise, highlight the key takeaway you want viewers to leave with. 

As you can see from the script below, the Life at Uber video follows this format. It starts off with brief but attention-grabbing descriptions of the company and leads into more detailed comments from happy employees. And, while there’s no direct call-to-action at the end of this video, the next step—applying at Uber—is alluded to by many of the employees being interviewed. 

Life at Uber Video Script
Source: YouTube, Uber

6. Video announcement script template

Lastly, video is a great format for making company announcements such as product or feature launches. What does an effective video announcement script include? Here’s a simple, 3-part template you can use: 


Whether you immediately introduce the big news or use another lead-in, you need an attention-grabber. Something that will spark curiosity, generate excitement or tug on viewers’ heartstrings. 

Main Points/Features

Get to the meat of your announcement, being sure to explain why viewers should care or how it affects them, if at all. 


Wrap up with an appropriate conclusion. Depending on the announcement, this could be a call-to-action, an estimate of when additional information will be available, or a thank you to your customers, etc. 

ClickUp’s announcement video for the “When it Clicked” podcast uses this format. 

When It Clicked Podcast Announcement Script
Source: YouTube

At less than 30 seconds long with nearly 500 likes, it goes to show that your scripts don’t have to be long or elaborate to be powerful. 

Want to write video scripts faster?

If you’re creating a lot of video content, then you know that the scriptwriting process can be time-consuming. Jasper can help you write video scripts faster by enabling you to quickly create video outlines and hooks in just seconds.

Jasper, with its advanced understanding of technology and marketing, offers a unique edge to marketers crafting video scripts. When Jasper gets to work on a script, it taps into a vast knowledge base that you can evolve and customize as your brand positioning changes and products grow. This ensures every line reflects your product's cutting-edge features and aligns seamlessly with the company ethos.

In scripting, voice and tone are key, and Jasper knows it. Whether it's a straightforward explanation of a complex service or a quick, clever quip to make the message memorable, Jasper adapts to your ideal voicing. Simply tell Jasper which brand voice you'd like to tap into for the video and watch him work magic.

Once the script is build, Jasper can take things a step further by optimizing an entire marketing campaign around that one asset. Or it can suggest a wide variety of additional content, then help you build it.

Why not see for yourself!

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Meet The Author:

Krista Doyle

Krista Doyle

SEO at Jasper

Krista Doyle is a writer-turned-strategy-nerd based in Austin, TX. By day she manages content right here at Jasper, by night she binges Netflix, continues her mission to find the best old fashioned in Austin, TX, and writes about Taylor Swift.

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