AI Article Writers: Teaming Up to Create Great Content, Faster

Looking for an AI-based article writer to help create engaging content? This article covers the basics of AI-based article writers and how they work.

Published on Jan 31, 2023

AI Article Writers: Teaming Up to Create Great Content, Faster

 Image created with Jasper Art, using the prompt, “medium shot, a happy robot wearing glasses working as a personal writing assistant”

Content marketers know that creating high-quality content can take a lot of time. Considering the benefits of high-performing content—especially long-form content—this can be time well spent. 

But when you’re the one creating the content, are you getting the most out of that time? 

For some, the content creation process is like a well-oiled machine. But for many of us, there are parts of our content writing process that could be better. 

The good news is, AI article writers are proving to be a natural complement to human writers—ideally helping them focus on the parts of content creation that let them shine.

The net result of this team-up between human and machine is high-quality, unique content that’s created up to 10 times faster than when a person writes alone. 

To understand how this works, let’s first look at what AI writing assistants do. 

What AI article writers do

AI writing tools generally come in two categories: AI-powered editing and proofreading tools, and AI-powered content writers.

Image created with Jasper Art, using the prompt, “picture of a robot that looks like a wooden writer's desk”

AI editors, like Grammarly, use natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU) to help catch and correct errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax. Increasingly, these editors, in addition to AI tools in general, also offer additional features like pre-formatted content templates, SEO keyword density checkers, and ways to ensure new content is plagiarism-free. 

While serving the role of a writer’s assistant, these advanced features support the creation of increasingly complex forms of content, like social media posts, marketing copy, and conversion-focused landing pages. 

On the other hand, AI content generation tools and article writers take a more direct role in the content creation process. With machine learning (ML) and autoregressive language models like GPT-3, these tools use deep learning to produce human-like writing.

Models like GPT-3 train on vast data sets of online content. They ingest a healthy variety of writing formats and styles, including website copy, user feedback, forums, and online product reviews.

This gives them an advantage over other, more support-oriented AI writing tools, as AI article writers have now grown powerful enough to predict what you’re trying to say as a given sentence is in progress. 

It’s this capability that allows AI article writers to function as true writing partners, helping you create better online content, faster.

The benefits of using an AI article writer

AI article writers are designed to help you write more engaging, impactful content—and save time doing it. With extensive training on real-world content, these tools can make useful writing suggestions based on your topic or keywords. 

Jump-starting your research process

"Googling," as people call it, is like fishing for trout in a landfill. Your chance of catching a trout is slim. It's more likely you'll come up with six million beer cans.” - Sue Scott, from NPR’s A Prairie Home Companion

The wealth of information available online can leave you feeling like, honestly, that you’re sifting through a mountain of crap. This feeling is compounded when you need to quickly orient to and understand the topics you’re writing about. Fortunately, AI article writers can help you sift through the clutter and find relevant sources quickly. 

 Image created with Jasper Art, using the prompt, “a cute fishing robot standing on top of an immense mountain of garbage”

Let’s look at an example.

Recently, news dropped regarding a major milestone in energy technology. In short, a research team conducted an experiment where a fusion reaction resulted in a net-positive amount of energy. Even though it was a small amount, it was considered an exciting step forward toward using nuclear fusion as a clean, nearly limitless source of energy. 

Now let’s say you’re tasked with writing a pro-versus-con article related to this news—mid-to-upper funnel, aimed at an audience who isn’t very familiar with the subject. Maybe you’re not so familiar with the subject either. 

An AI writing tool like Jasper can be incredibly helpful in kicking off your research. 

Good research starts with asking good questions. Instead of fumbling in the dark with a general Google search for “fusion power,” you can use Jasper to generate targeted research questions. 

Jasper's FAQ Generator was explicitly designed to help generate good questions. Let’s take a look at what it comes up with, using “fusion power” as the keyword and “serious, scientific, journalistic” for the tone. You can also determine the number of questions you want it to generate.’s FAQ Generator

You probably aren't surprised by some of the questions Jasper returned:

1. What is fusion power? 

2. How does fusion power work? 

3. What are the benefits of fusion power? 

But this single query does contain some less-than-obvious paths to explore:

7. Who is working on fusion power?

8. What are the different approaches to fusion power?

The governments, organizations, and educational institutions involved in fusion power research are probably worth exploring. Who is benefitting from its development?

Then the questions go deeper, to help you uncover distinct pros and cons of different fusion power initiatives:

12. What are the safety challenges of fusion power?

13. What are the environmental challenges of fusion power?

14. What are the ethical challenges of fusion power?

Now look what happens when you change the tone of voice in your query to “controversial”:’s FAQ Generator

Many of the questions are the same (Jasper is trying to help you make a comprehensive question list, after all), but something different does pop up:

14. What is ITER?

15. What are the challenges of ITER?

ITER is a collaboration of 35 nations working together on “one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world today.” While you may have found this in the course of your own research, Jasper’s deep learning models have enabled it to surface the information for you with the click of a button.

Jasper’s FAQ Generator can give you a leg up, providing focus and direction for your research before you even get started.

Busting through writer’s block

How do you conquer writer’s block? Just start.

Or so says Luke Sullivan, author of Hey Whipple, Squeeze This. Anyone involved in content writing would benefit from reading Sullivan’s copywriting magnum opus. Originally a guide to making words work in advertising, the latest edition offers much more wisdom, guidance, and insight for digital content creators. 

For those who struggle with article ideation, the following nugget is exceptionally helpful:

We've all done it. We say stuff like, “I have to do more research.” “I gotta take care of these emails first.” “I just don't feel inspired.” But these are just rationalizations for why we won't sit down and face the intimidating empty page, what Hemingway called “the white bull.” [...]

So, just start. Start aggressively. Don't lean back waiting for the muse to alight on your shoulder. Lean into the page. Chase as many ideas as fast and aggressively as you can. (p. 54, Kindle edition)

But how do you face down Hemingway’s white bull when you don’t know where to start?

Just like with your research, an AI writing tool can provide ideas to give you the boost you need.

Starting with a blank slate—that is, a new Jasper document—you’ll fill in a short prompt to steer your results in the right direction.

Let’s stick with our fusion power article idea to see how this works. Here’s an example of how you might fill in the prompt:

  • Content description/brief: Include a short summary of what your project is, e.g., “An article about the current state of fusion power research and development.”
  • Tone of voice: Determine the tone for your article, e.g., “Serious, scientific, journalistic.”
  • Keywords: Choose keywords you want to rank for, e.g., “How close are we to fusion power?”
  • Command: Simply tell Jasper what you want it to do, e.g., “Write a list of 10 article ideas.” Documents

Given the prompts above, Jasper responds with some great article ideas:

  • Exploring the Different Types of Fusion Power
  • An Overview of Current Challenges in Fusion Energy
  • Examining the Technical and Economic Feasibility of Fusion Power
  • A Look at Recent Advancements in Nuclear Fusion Technology
  • How Close Are We to Commercialized Fusion Energy?
  • Understanding the Safety Concerns About Nuclear Fusion
  • What Does the Future Hold for Fission and Nuclear Power Technologies?
  • Assessing Government Involvement in Developing Atomic Energy Sources
  • Examining Countries That Have Already Invested in Research on Nuclear Fission and fusion Reactors
  • The Impact of Private Investment on Reaching a Worldwide Solution to Harness Clean, Renewable Energy Through Atomic Sources

These ideas may not be perfect, but they’re not meant to be. Jasper is a writing assistant designed to help you get your own creative juices flowing. 

Just like Jasper provides ideas to jump-start your research, it suggests different angles you can take to approach your article. Notice how the Jasper’s ideas compare with what’s currently ranking for the keywords provided in the prompt:

Google Search‍

Based on what’s ranking best, Jasper’s suggestion of “What Does the Future Hold for Fission and Nuclear Power Technologies?” may be a solid idea to noodle on.

You may notice that this suggestion mentions fission and not fusion. Because you are only ideating here, you can replace whatever words you want to.

You might want to say, “What Does the Future Hold for Fusion Power?” or, “How Close Are We to Fusion Power (and What Does the Future Hold?)”

Or if you don’t like any of those ideas, you can refine the original prompt to generate a new set of results. Whether you want a different tone of voice or a completely different angle, Jasper can handle whatever you throw at it.

The direction you ultimately decide to take it is your creative decision to make. 

4 Tips for Keeping Your Content On-Point with Jasper

When it’s time to dive into the content writing itself, it’s wise to keep a personalized list of writing advice in mind. This is no less true when partnering with an AI writing assistant like Jasper. 

When working with a creative partner, you need to be open and objective about the ideas they bring into the mix, and keep your eye on what specifically will make yours a uniquely outstanding, engaging piece of content. 

Momentum > Meticulous

Once you’re down in the writing-weeds, keep your article writing moving forward no matter what. Hiccups, bumps, hangups be-danged–push through, and get that first draft done. Much as Sullivan encourages us to, “Just start,” it’s vitally important you then keep going. 

This means you shouldn’t let all the “noodling” from the ideation phase spill out and contaminate Draft 1. You should not spend an hour on one sentence. Tamp down enough words in the right order to capture what a given sentence needs to do, and move on. The sooner you get into Draft 2, the sooner your article can start to get good. 

Stubbing your toe over a specific sentence, or paragraph? Drop in some Lorem ipsum and move on. Or, better yet, prompt your AI writer for some placeholder text that will give you a bit more to work with when you come back to revise. Sometimes, dummy copy that’s saying the wrong thing will help you much more than ipsum, which by design says nothing at all. 

Clarity > Creatively

There’s a lot of redundant content online. And it can be challenging to figure out how to stand apart from a SERP filled with low-effort variations on your topical theme. In these cases, you might be tempted to get a bit…weird. (It’s okay, we’ve all been there.) Unfortunately, tying yourself in knots trying to write your article creatively will often come at the cost of clarity. 

Creative time takes place through research and ideation. Once you’re in writing-mode, your goal isn’t to make your article clearly creative. Instead, aim to deliver your creativity clearly. Tools like Jasper can help here, as many offer templates designed to sharpen or re-write copy you’ve written. 

Sometimes these tools can figure out how to tighten up a given paragraph. Others, the value comes from seeing different ways they restructure a piece of your writing, as this can illuminate what in your writing must stay, and what you can exercise to make things clearer. 

Staying Fresh > Being Fly

It can be difficult to think outside the box when you’re exposed to so much content online. And, with deadlines looming, cliches, puns and the like can seem like low hanging fruit. You know, a real win-win situation for you, the writer. 

But friend, don’t drink the Kool-aid™. Building on the clarity tip above, take your content to the next level by avoiding cliches and terms that have been played out, or are too trendy. And that 100% applies to business buzzwords and marketing jargon, as they are also 'totes suss. 

Own Your Workflow with Jasper

In all honesty, writing content is an uphill battle. Content creators need to square the needs of the brand or business they’re writing on behalf of, with what search engine algorithms are trying to select for, and in a way that’s helpful, informative, and compelling for the reader. It can all be , well, a lot (especially when tasked with creating long-form blog content at scale). 

That said, we think writers need to use tools and tech that help them fight the good fight. This is why we think if you give Jasper a try, it’ll quickly become your go-to content writing partner. Try it to speed up your own research and ideation process. And while you do, use your 7-day free trial to put Jasper through its paces and experience everything else it can do for you. 

Meet The Author:

Austin Distel

Austin Distel

Marketing @ Jasper

Austin Distel is the Sr. Director of Marketing at Jasper, your AI marketing co-pilot. When not working, Austin is also an Airbnb superhost in Austin, Texas.

Marketing Strategy
Writing & Editing

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