15 TikTok Content Ideas To Grow Your Following

There’s no shortage of TikTok content but coming up with ideas can take time. Here are 15 ideas complete with examples to start growing an audience on TikTok.

Published on Oct 20, 2022

Unless you’ve been hiding your head in the sand, you know TikTok is the platform for marketers to grow an audience, monetize their skills, or sell a product or service. Many creators and marketers are already doing this successfully. And no, they aren’t necessarily creating dance videos or lip-syncing to make it big. 

The cherry on top? Many of them have grown organically too. No need for paid ads or super fancy graphics or video montages. The beauty of TikTok is that you’re supposed to show up as your most authentic self. 

With a TikTok marketing strategy, original, authentic content tends to do best, unlike other social media platforms. That’s why today, we bring you the best TikTok video trends, hacks, and ideas you can hop on to grow your following, connect with your audience, and establish your presence on TikTok. 

Have your TikTok account ready? Before we dive in, check out how to create captions faster.

How to create TikTok captions with Jasper

It’s nice when you’ve refined your creative marketing skills and you can come up with content on the go. But what should you do if you’re stuck when trying to create TikTok captions?

Enter the Jasper TikTok Video Captions feature. All you have to do is enter some bits of information on what your videos is about, your preferred tone of voice, and what keywords you want to include. If you’re an international creator, you can choose your preferred languages out of 25 options! 

Say you’re an email marketer trying to build your TikTok following and you hit a wall when it’s time to come up with a caption. Here’s an example of how you can easily automate that process with Jasper.  

TikTok content ideas with Jasper

1. Stitch and duet other creators in your niche

If there’s something TikTok has gotten right it’s that it comes with plenty of collaborative features, one of those being its stitch and duet tools. The next time you’re thinking of ways to create engaging content, find a fellow tiktoker in your industry and duet them. 

You can create a duet or stitch a creator to:

  • Add another point to what they just explained
  • Refute their idea and show there’s a better way to do it
  • Agree with the creator and explain why

2. Share a list of your best tips

Sharing lists is a classic marketing tactic that doesn’t only translate to written content but to video content as well. Everyone finds lists helpful. They’re easy, quick, and useful. List content, which really is an educational video in disguise, is also the type of content that’s easy to create. 

Consider looking at the biggest pain points in your niche. Then find a list of at least five tips and tricks that can help your audience navigate that pain point or solve that problem better. The beauty of list TikToks is that they work for just about every niche. 

3. Report on a news story within your niche

You don’t have to be a newscaster to share breaking news about your industry with your audience. Many TikTokers take advantage of the latest news to create a TikTok sharing the knowledge with their audience. 

This type of TikTok content works for a few reasons:

  • Users start trusting you as a source for the latest trends
  • TikTok followers that don’t want to miss out on updates are more likely to follow you
  • You’re giving value by spreading information

4. Create short tutorials

Tutorials are awesome! They’re even better when they’re short videos—which are perfect for TikTok. Think about “how to” content that you’ve likely written before. 

Or maybe there are recurring pain points in your industry that would lend themselves perfectly for a quick tutorial. Once you have a running list of tutorials, you can create your TikToks and post them throughout the week. 

5. Use text and trending sounds together

TikTok thrives on trends. And if you can add dynamic text to your trending sounds then even better. Websites like Tokboard enable you to easily find the latest trending sound bites. 

6. Create a “day in the life” TikTok

Vlogs or “day in the life” videos aren’t dead. They just have to be shorter and more attention-grabbing on a platform like TikTok. Your “day in the life” videos can either be about you personally or centered around what you do in your day to grow your business. 

This is where you can get your creative juices flowing. To create “day in the life” videos, it’s good practice to capture clips of your day and store them for later use. That way, you have different clips to choose from. Once spliced together, add a voiceover, some trending hashtags, and even an original sound to make it more engaging. 

7. Demo your product or service

Are you selling a product or service on TikTok? While demos lend themselves easily to physical products, you can create service demos too. Demos clearly show the problem your product solves, even if that problem is a nice-to-have instead of a need-to-have. 

8. “5 things I would never do”

This trend is similar to the list trend, except it comes with a twist. Instead of sharing tips with your audience and explaining what they should do, try sharing what you would never do. 

9. Try viral recipes

Your content doesn’t just have to be business all the time. While you can definitely stick with business-oriented video clips, changing the routine every now and again can be a good way to get TikTok users to learn more about you, the person behind the camera. 

Give viral video recipes a try. You’ll be able to ride the viral wave as people search for the recipe while hopping onto new and fun trends to keep things interesting. 

10. Review a product or service in your niche

TikTok is big for product reviews. Many influencers, creators, and small business owners create simple content around receiving an item, unboxing it, and trying it on camera for the first time. This is something you can do with your own products. 

You don’t have to be a customer for the TikTok idea to make sense either. As the creator of the product, explain how it came to be, how it’s used, who it’s best for, and any other specifications worth sharing. This is how many brands have been able to grow sizable TikTok followings. 

11. Share your success story

Sharing your success story attracts many of the right people to your TikTok profile. Why? Chances are if they’re watching you, it’s because they want to learn from you. What better way to talk to your audience and be memorable than by sharing your success story? 

Keep in mind that success stories don’t have to be huge. They can be smaller success stories, like finally landing a partnership deal or how you successfully generated your first sale from your copywriting course. Success stories are more about finding and inspiring your target audience instead of being the biggest story. 

12. Share what you learned about a big failure

Just like you share your wins, TikTok users also want to learn about your failures. To add a hook to your TikTok videos, share how you bounced back from said failures. It’s vital to remember that TikTok loves authenticity more than anything. 

Unlike Instagram or even Facebook, sharing such relatable instances as failure can ensure TikTok users know, like, and trust you on a deeper level. Plus, creating TikToks around your failure is a way to turn that failure into something positive! 

Pro tip: That failure doesn’t have to be your own. Get creative and talk about a fail from a big brand everyone knows. 

13. Answer audience questions

TikTok has a built-in Q and A feature that allows your audience to ask you questions. But maybe you’re a growing TikToker who doesn’t get a lot of inbound questions. That’s okay! 

You can still answer questions if you sit down and make a list of the questions you notice your audience asking the most about and make TikToks about those. 

Pro Tip: use Google’s suggested questions from a search query to come up with frequently asked questions for your TikToks. 

14. Pack an order ASMR style

You’ve likely come across such videos on TikTok, YouTube, or even Instagram. ASMR, which stands for Autonomous sensory meridian response, gets lots of online attention. If you’re a product owner and pack your own orders, consider creating an ASMR style pack and order with me video. This trend works great for small businesses wanting to focus on TikTok marketing to drive brand awareness. 

Here’s an example: 

15. Hop on trends

Do not be afraid to hop on TikTok trends and make them your own. There are always a ton of creative ways to redo a trend in your own style, with your own voice. If you don’t know what’s trending on TikTok consider visiting sites like Later to find updated TikTok trends each week. You can also search for hashtags on TikTok’s search page. 

TikTok video ideas for the win

Be sure and bookmark this list to revisit whenever you feel like you’ve hit a creative block. Much like writer’s block, a creative block can be overcome with a few suggestions.

However, if it’s writer’s block you struggle with, consider using an AI writing assistant like Jasper. We write all kinds of copy for you. All you have to do is enter a few specifics, hit Generate, and get original copy for blog posts, social media captions, ad copy, and more. 

Get started with Jasper. 

Meet The Author:

Dave Rogenmoser

Dave Rogenmoser

CEO of Jasper

Dave is the Co-Founder Jasper, a Y Combinator-backed tech company based in Austin, Texas. He is also a husband and father of 3 boys.

Marketing Strategy

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