
The DevX Renaissance: Death of DevOps

Jasper's DevX team treats developers as customers by providing Efficiency, Abstraction, Security, and Autonomy to its engineering teams.

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Jasper is an innovative AI writing tool that helps our customers write fantastic content in record time. At Jasper, we are obsessed with giving our customers the best writing experience possible, and a big part of that is making sure that our customers have access to the best content possible. As a DevX team, we obsess over developers so that developers can obsess over customers. That's why we're so excited about DevX! We believe that providing a world class developer experience enables our teams to love what they do and stay customer obsessed.

What is DevX?

DevX is the practice of treating developers as customers. Obsessing over customers means obsessing over the needs of your engineers. One such need, is to have a seamless, and enjoyable experience interacting with your infrastructure and platform. Said another way, it means ensuring that developers can focus on writing code, while having a frictionless way of releasing that code. While that sounds like DevOps on the surface, it's the empathetic execution that takes it to the next level.

DevX Principles

  1. Efficiency and Quality
  2. Autonomy
  3. Abstraction
  4. Security

Efficiency and Quality

Ensure developers have an efficient way to release high quality code. For example, at Jasper a developer can spin up an entire shareable copy of our app, including changes on local branches for both frontend and backend apps and service, in a prod-like environment in under 10 mins. This allows developers to easily isolate their changes, test their code, share it with others, and have confidence releasing to prod.


The DevX teams empowers our engineers to release as often as they like, and they're given the tools to experiment in a prod like environment. We provide them regulated access to our environments, databases, and clusters to keep them moving efficiently.


The cloud native environment is growing more complicated and company infrastructure growth only complicates things further. Security and access becomes more regulated and audited as well. This pushes developers out of their comfort zone, and increasingly separates them from the goal of shipping value to customers. This is why platform tools are so valuable. They abstract the complexity of your infrastructure, and provide a common, approachable interface for the developers.

At Jasper, we've done this by building the JasperCLI, a tool our engineers can use to deploy ephemeral testing environments, spin up a Kubernetes stack, safely connect to our production and staging databases, and much more.


With higher engineering team autonomy comes the need for audit logs and access controls. At Jasper, we have a security first mentality but not at the expense of our developers workflows. We created access controls around database connections, audit logs to see what queries are being executed, and access controls for our Kubernetes clusters, all of which are transparent to the developer. This empowers our security team, but is done in such a way that it does not impede the efficiency of our engineers.

Additional Information

If you want to learn more about Jasper, DevX, or the amazing technology we are building, you are in the right place. We post regularly about all things DevX and technology, and you're sure to find something that piques your interest. Happy coding!

Are you interested in joining the DevX renaissance or looking to help build a legendary AI product? Join us at https://www.jasper.ai/careers

This blog post and artwork was generated with the help of Jasper!

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Meet The Author:

Dan Cushing

Dan Cushing

Manager of DevX @ Jasper

Dan Cushing is the DevX manager at Jasper, leading a team focused on building a world-class developer experience. Formerly, he was a full stack engineer and a DevOps engineer, and it’s the fusion of these two disciplines that has always excited him the most. Dan loves building tools that make our engineer’s jobs more enjoyable and efficient. Despite Dan's height his aptitude for Starcraft far exceeds his talent for basketball.

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